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*aka “esplanade”*


-a ‘long open-level area’ beside a ‘body of water’ designated for ‘walking’-


*also known as a ‘formal dance’*
(as couples proceed along a “promenade”)


*the original meaning of esplanade was…*

“a large, open, level area outside fortress or city walls to provide clear fields of fire for the fortress’s guns”


In modern usage the space allows people to walk for recreational purposes

esplanades are often on sea fronts, and allow walking whatever the state of the tide, without having to walk on the beach.

Esplanades became popular in Victorian times when it was fashionable to visit seaside resorts.

A promenade, often abbreviated to ‘(the) prom’, was an area where people – couples and families especially – would go to walk for a while in order to ‘be seen’ and be considered part of ‘society’.

In North America, esplanade has another meaning, being also a median (strip of raised land) dividing a roadway or boulevard.

Sometimes they are just strips of grass, or some may have gardens and trees.

(some roadway esplanades may be used as parks with a walking/jogging trail and benches)

(“esplanade” and promenade are sometimes used interchangeably)

(the derivation of “promenade” indicates a place specifically intended for walking, though many modern promenades and esplanades also allow bicycles and other nonmotorized transport)

Some esplanades also include large boulevards or avenues where cars are permitted.


(a similar term with the same meaning in the eastern coastal region of ‘spain’ is rambla, but more widely referred in the ‘hispanic world’ as…)

paseo marítimo


or explanada (“esplanade”) in the ‘hispanic world’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥