“right to know”

-as of [3 MARCH 2024]




(in the context of ‘united states’ workplace + community environmental law…)

(“right to know” is the ‘legal principle’ that the individual has the right to know the ‘chemicals’ to which they may be exposed in their ‘daily living’)

(according to…?)


(it is embodied in ‘federal law’ in the ‘united states’ as well as in ‘local laws’ in several ‘states’)


(“right to know” laws take 2 forms…)

*community ‘right to know’*

*workplace ‘right to know’*.


*each grants certain rights to those groups*


(the “right to know” was a ‘movement’ made popular by ‘rachel carson’ with her book “silent spring”)


(‘environmental illness’ shares characteristics with common ‘diseases’)


(for example, ‘cyanide’ exposure symptoms include…)







‘cardiac arrest’


(‘influenza’ + ‘heart disease’ include the same symptoms)


(‘cyanide’ is one of the most toxic known substances, and failure to obtain proper disclosure is likely to lead to improper or ineffective medical diagnosis and treatment)


(this can contribute to prolonged illness + ‘death’)








👈👈👈☜*“INJURIES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥