(the painting depicts ‘saint januarius’ holding his own ‘relics’)
(painted sometime between 1610 and 1612)
(apparently a ‘lost work’ by italian painter ‘michelangelo merisi
(better known as “caravaggio”)
(’28 september 1571′ – ’18 july 1610′)
(born in ‘milan’)
(anonymous ‘avviso’ from ‘rome’ to ‘ducal court’ of ‘urbino’ announced his death)
(prone to ‘bizarre behavior’)
(died at ‘age 38’)
(’cause of death’ still a ‘mystery’)
(“the world may never know…”)
(“nor ‘care’ for that matter…”)
(use your imagination!) –>
(‘brucellosis’ from ‘unpasteurized dairy’?)
(killed by ‘powerful enemies’ that had been pursuing him since he left ‘malta’?)
(‘wignacourt’ and/or factions of the ‘knights’?)
(his former ‘patrons’)
(who he seemed to have really pissed off despite producing some great works)
(many ‘art historians’ cite his body of work as (no less than) the ‘beginning of ‘modern painting”)
(in ‘2010’, ‘human remains’ were discovered in a ‘church’ in ‘porto ercole’)
(they “almost certainly” are those of ‘caravaggio’)
(“according to…?”)
(according to…)
(“DNA testing”)
(“carbon dating”)
(among other ‘forensic’ tests over the course of a ‘year-long study’)
(possibly ‘lead poisoning’?)
(as ‘paints’ that caravaggio worked with contained high amounts of ‘lead salts’)
(this would explain the ‘violent behavior’ he often displayed over the course of his life)
(‘violent behavior’ is often a symptom of ‘lead poisoning’)
(but later tests suggested that he died of wounds sustained during a brawl in ‘naples’ (???))
(‘sepsis’ –> when the body’s response to an ‘infection’ damages its ’tissues’ and ‘organs’)
(at this point, WHO CARES?)
(enough about him!)
(what about ME???)
“what about you?”
(“januarius” (latin: ianuarius; italian: gennaro), also known as januarius I of benevento, was ‘bishop’ of ‘benevento’ and is a ‘martyr’ and ‘saint’ of the ‘roman catholic’ and the ‘eastern orthodox’ churches)
(while no ‘contemporary sources’ on his life are preserved, later sources and legends claim that he died during the ‘great persecution’ which ended with diocletian’s retirement in ‘305’)
(‘januarius’ is the ‘patron saint’ of ‘naples’, where ‘the faithful’ gather 3 times a year in ‘naples cathedral’ to witness the ‘liquefaction’ of what is claimed to be a ‘sample’ of his ‘blood’ kept in a ‘sealed glass ampoule’)
“what utter ghouls!”
(died in the same year of ‘saint catherine’ of ‘alexandria’)
👈👈👈☜*“CHRISTIAN SAINTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥