
(“self-deprecation” is a social tool utilized to put others at ease)

(mostly other would-be “social competitors” of the same sex + ‘sexual orientation’)

(it indicates to them (perhaps falsely) that you do not view them as ‘competitors’ but merely ‘fellow passengers’ on this absurd rock in the sky)

(it can also be used to preface an insult)

(so that your target would be less inclined to attack you on those weaknesses which you have already readily admitted to in your initial verbal attack)

(it can be used by otherwise ‘elite’ artists + public figures to garner some sort of solidarity with the “common” (aka ‘flawed’) man)

(“broke rock”)

(‘the starving artist affect”)

(is THAT self-deprecating enough for ‘you’?)

(some would consider that a compliment)

(those in the masochistic “indie rock” community)

(“independent rock”)
(aka “homemade rock”)
(aka “bedroom jams by one-man-bands”)
(that’s me!)
(yea, you and every other 20-something hipster pothead trust fund baby!)
(except i can actually PLAY!)
(…the guitar, that is)
(and i can actually SING)
(…’properly’, that is)
(but who needs to be ‘proper’ to be ‘popular’?)

(being self-deprecating about your financial woes is a positive social attribute)
(because the ‘flaunting of wealth’ is considered some sort of ‘faux pas’)
(that will arouse ‘jealously’ in your poorer friends + associates)
(which is why the old man never told people his yearly income)

(it all depends on WHY you are poor)

(as a “starving artist”, am i poor because my work is “unappreciated”?  “misunderstood”?  or does it simply “suck”?)

(in any case, in a capitalistic society you earn your LIVING by gravitating towards activities that WILL make you money)

(which means you SHOULDN’T be dedicating your time + energy to an artistic pursuit that isn’t making you any money)

(unless you think that it will make you lots of money in the “long-term”)

(or are you poor because you are simply “lazy”?)

(or are you poor because you are a “spendthrift”?)
(do you have a gambling problem?)
(are you a drug addict of some sort?)
(do you throw money at women in the hopes of bedding them)

(or better yet, are you simply overly generous?)

(“christian capitalism” is an oxymoron)

(as all of the gospels explicitly outline jesus’s modus operandi)
(“give away all your belongings and follow me”)
(“don’t worry…god will provide”)

(not only did he say this, but he seemed to imply that not only HIS disciples at the moment but ALL WANNABE CHRISTIANS should adopt similar attitudes towards their finances)

(flash-forward to joel osteen’s million-dollar smile as mountains of black corpses wash up on the shores of his houston ‘megachurch’)

“the gospel of success” indeed!

(could it get any clearer than that ‘camel passing through eye of needle’ statement?)

(of course it is followed up with a generalized intellectually fishy statement: “with god ALL THINGS are possible”…rendering any serious moral discussion ridiculous when faced with an ‘almighty god’ (wherever he may be hiding at the moment))

(the fact that you support yourself indicates that you are a contributing tax-paying member of society)
(…or a crafty criminal…)
(…or a familial parasite…)

(“self-deprecation” is the act of reprimanding oneself by belittling, undervaluing, or disparaging oneself, or being excessively modest)

(it can be used in humor and tension release)

(see “rodney dangerfield”)
(“i don’t get no respect!”)

(see “self-effacement”)






👈👈👈☜*“INSULTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥