“sweet 16”


*sexting again*

“age of consent”


“my pretty little thing…”

“my precious package…”


(’16’ (sixteen) is the ‘natural number’ following ’15’ + preceding ’17’)


(16 is a ‘composite number’)

(’16’ is a ‘square number’)
(being 42 = 4 × 4)

(’16’ is the smallest number with exactly 5 divisors, its ‘proper divisors’ (aka ‘not including the number itself as ‘divisor’) being ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘4’, and ‘8’)

(in ‘speech’, the numbers ’16’ and ’60’ are often confused)

(when carefully enunciated, they differ in which ‘syllable’ is ‘stressed: 16 /sɪksˈtn/ vs 60 /ˈsɪksti/)

(however, in dates such as ‘1666’ or when contrasting numbers in the teens, (such as 15, 16, 17), the stress shifts to the first syllable: 16 /ˈsɪkstn/.)

(‘sixteen’ is the ‘4th power’ of ‘2’)

(for this reason, ’16’ was used in weighing ‘light objects’ in several ‘cultures’).

(the ‘british’ have ’16 ounces’ in ‘1 pound’; the ‘chinese’ used to have ’16 liangs’ in 1 ‘jin’)

(in ‘old days’, ‘weighing’ was done with a ‘beam balance’ to make ‘equal splits’)

(it would be easier to split a ‘heap’ of ‘grains’ into ’16 equal parts’ through successive divisions than to split into ’10 parts’)

(‘chinese taoists’ did ‘finger computation’ on the ‘trigrams’ and ‘hexagrams’ by counting the ‘finger tips’ and ‘joints’ of the ‘fingers’ with the ‘tip’ of the ‘thumb’)

(each ‘hand’ can count up to ’16’ in such manner)

(the chinese abacus’ uses ‘2 upper beads’ to represent the ‘5s’ and ‘5 lower beads’ to represent the ‘1s’, the ‘7 beads’ can represent a ‘hexadecimal digit’ from ‘0’ to ’15’ in each ‘column’)


(“age of consent” in ‘new jersey’)

(age of ‘christine hauer’ in ‘june 2007’)



*BASE 16*

(in ‘mathematics’ + ‘computing’, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a ‘positional numeral system’ with a ‘radix’ (or ‘base’) of ’16’)

(it uses ’16 distinct symbols’, most often the symbols 09 to represent values ‘0’ to ‘9’, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a, b, c, d, e, f) to represent values ’10’ to ’15’)

(‘hexadecimal numerals’ are widely used by ‘computer system designers’ and ‘programmers’)

(as each ‘hexadecimal digit’ represents ‘4 binary digits’ (aka ‘bits’), it allows a more ‘human-friendly representation’ of ‘binary-coded values’)

(‘1 hexadecimal digit’ represents a ‘nibble’ (or ‘4 bits’), which is half of an ‘octet’ or ‘byte’ (or ‘8 bits’))

(for example, a ‘single byte’ can have ‘values’ ranging from ‘00000000’ to ‘11111111’ in ‘binary form’, but this may be more conveniently represented as ’00’ to ‘FF’ in ‘hexadecimal’)

(in a ‘non-programming context’, a ‘subscript’ is typically used to give the ‘radix’, for example the decimal value ‘10,995′ would be expressed in ‘hexadecimal’ as 2AF316)

(several ‘notations’ are used to support ‘hexadecimal representation’ of ‘constants’ in ‘programming languages’, usually involving a ‘prefix’ or ‘suffix’)

(the prefix “0x” is used in C and related languages, where this value might be denoted as 0x2AF3)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“15”*


*“17”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“THE NUMBER GAMES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥