“the international space station”

ISS insignia.svg




*the international space station (ISS) is an internationally developed research facility in ‘low earth orbit’*


(the station is expected to remain in operation until (likely) 2020)

(the International Space Station (ISS) is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in low earth orbit)

(its first component launched into orbit in 1998, and the ISS is now the largest artificial body in orbit and can often be seen with the naked eye from ‘earth’)

The ISS consists of pressurised modules, external trusses, solar arrays, and other components.

ISS components have been launched by Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets, and American Space Shuttles.

The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology, and other fields.

The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars.

The ISS maintains an orbit with an altitude of between 330 and 435 km (205 and 270 mi) by means of reboost manoeuvres using the engines of the Zvezda module or visiting spacecraft.

(it completes 15.54 orbits per day)

The ISS is the ninth space station to be inhabited by crews, following the Soviet and later Russian Salyut, Almaz, and Mir stations as well as Skylab from the US.

(the station has been continuously occupied for 15 years and 309 days since the arrival of Expedition 1 on 2 November 2000)

This is the longest continuous human presence in low Earth orbit, having surpassed the previous record of 9 years and 357 days held by Mir.

The station is serviced by a variety of visiting spacecraft: the Russian Soyuz and Progress, the American Dragon and Cygnus, the Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, and formerly the Space Shuttle and the European Automated Transfer Vehicle.

It has been visited by astronauts, cosmonauts and space tourists from 17 different nations

After the US Space Shuttle programme ended in 2011, Soyuz rockets became the only provider of transport for astronauts at the International Space Station, and Dragon became the only provider of bulk cargo return to Earth services (downmass capability of Soyuz capsules is very limited).

(the ISS programme is a joint project among five participating space agencies: NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, and CSA)

The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements)

The station is divided into two sections, the Russian Orbital Segment (ROS) and the United States Orbital Segment (USOS), which is shared by many nations.

(roscosmos has endorsed the continued operation of ISS through 2024, but has proposed using elements of the Russian Orbital Segment to construct a new Russian space station called OPSEK)

(with a greater mass than that of any previous space station, the ISS can be seen from Earth with the naked eye, and is by far the largest artificial satellite that has ever orbited earth)

The ISS serves as a research laboratory that has a  microgravity environment in which crews conduct experiments in  biology,  chemistry,  human biology, physics,  astronomy and meteorology.

The station has a unique environment for the testing of the spacecraft systems that will be required for missions to the Moon and  Mars.

28 MARCH 2015:

(on 28 March 2015, russian sources announced that roscosmos and NASA had agreed to collaborate on the development of a replacement for the current ISS)

(NASA later issued a guarded statement expressing thanks for russia’s interest in future cooperation in space exploration, but fell short of confirming the russian announcement)


(the american portion of ISS is being funded until 2024)

1 JUNE 2010:

(soyuz TMA-19, carrying three members of the Expedition 24 crew, launches on the one-hundredth flight to the “international space station”)

31 OCTOBER 2000:

(launch of “expedition 1” to the space station)
(arrive on 2 november 2000)

(the ISS is operated by expedition crews, with the station programme maintaining an uninterrupted human presence in space since the launch of “expedition 1” on 31 October 2000, a total of 9 years and 234 days)

*NOVEMBER 1998* –>

(on-orbit construction of the station begins)

the International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed research facility that is being assembled in low Earth orbit. On-orbit construction of the station began in 1998 and is scheduled for completion by late 2011

the station is expected to remain in operation until at least 2015, and likely 2020.  With a greater mass than that of any previous space station, the ISS can be seen from Earth with the naked eye, and is by far the largest artificial satellite that has ever orbited Earth.

The ISS serves as a research laboratory that has a microgravity environment in which crews conduct experiments in biology, chemistry,  human biology,  physics, astronomy and meteorology.

The station has a unique environment for the testing of the spacecraft systems that will be required for missions to the  Moon and Mars

The ISS is operated by  Expedition crews, with the station programme maintaining an uninterrupted human presence in space since the launch of Expedition 1 on 31 October 2000, a total of 9 years and 234 days.

(the programme is thus approaching the current record, set aboard of 3,644 days (8 days short of 10 years), with the ISS expected to take the record on 23 October 2010)


*1 june 2010* –>

(‘soyuz TMA-19’, carrying three members of the Expedition 24 crew, launches on the one-hundredth flight to the ‘international space station’)






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