-the council of agde-

-as of [30 MARCH 2024]


-the council of agde was a regional ‘synod’ held in ‘september 506’ at ‘agatha’ or ‘agde’, on the mediterranean coast east of ‘narbonne’, in the ‘septimania region’ of the ‘visi-gothic kingdom’, with the permission of the visigothic ‘king alaric’-


(the council met under the presidency of ‘bishop caesarius of ‘arles’)


(it was attended by 35 bishops…)

Caesarius of Arles

Cyprianus of Bordeaux

Clarus of Elusa

Tetradius of Bourges

Heraclianus of Toulouse

Sophronius of Agde

Sedatus of Nîmes

Quintianus of Rodez

Sabinus of Albi

Boëtius of Cahors

Gratianus of Aix

Nicetius of Aux

Suavis of Comminges

Galactorius of Benarnum (Lescar)

Gratus of Oloron

Vigilius of Lectoure

Maternus of Lodève

Petrus de Palatio

Glycerius of Couserans

Chronopius of Périgueux

Probatius of Uzès

Agroecius of Antibes

Marcellus of Senez

Pentadius of Digne

[Caprario of Narbonne]‡

[Victorinus of Fréjus]‡

[Aprus of Tarbes]‡

[Euphrasius of Auvergne]‡

[Julianus of Avignon]‡

[Sextilius of Bazas]‡

[Marcellus of Apt]‡


[Leonicus of Châlons-sur-Saône]‡‡

Verus of Tours‡‡

‡ represented by a priest.
‡‡ represented by a deacon.


The Council of Agde promulgated 47 canons on ecclesiastical discipline.

In general, its canons shed light on the moral conditions of the clergy and laity in the historical region of Septimania at the beginning of the transition from Roman social order within the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis to that of the Visigoth migrants.

They are also of some importance for the study of certain early ecclesiastical institutions.

Its canon 7, forbidding ecclesiastics to sell or alienate the property of the church from which they drew their living, seems to be the earliest indication of the later system of benefices.

In Canon IX, the Council ruled that if married deacons or priests wish to return to marital relations, they should be deprived of all of their ecclesiastical dignities and offices; those, however, who were unaware of the prohibition, could be allowed to retain their office if they abstain in the future.

In Canon X, a cleric was forbidden to visit women to whom he was not related, and could have in his house only his mother, sister, daughter, or niece.

A bishop was not to ordain anyone a deacon who was not 25 years old.

In order to be ordained a priest or bishop, one had to be at least 30 years of age.

(if a young married man wished to be ordained, he required the consent of his wife)

(‘canon XVI’)


(marriage between ‘cousins’ was also forbidden)








👈👈👈☜*“THE VISIGOTHS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥