“the hired gun”

*”big” william rodger*

(in ‘summer 2003’, we started a band called the “hired gun”)

(that may’ve been my final year driving the ‘ford explorer’)

(which my parents leased for me in ‘fall 2001’)

(returning that summer to a month-long “governor’s school of ‘international studies'”)

(‘falco’ must’ve signed me up somehow)

(during junior year)

(but the acceptance letter somehow got ‘lost in the mail’)

(back then i’d only be interested in the ‘victoria’s secret’ catalogues)

(i assumed that i just didn’t get accepted)

(i hardly even remember applying for it)

(but i’m pretty sure it was my ‘junior year elective’ which spanned the full school year)

(i believe ‘jen millman’ was te only other person from our ‘g + p’ class to apply)
(for ‘international studies’ or a different subject?)

“‘government’ + ‘politics'”

(semester 1 (/2) / ‘the beginning’)
(“government” )

(‘semester 2 (/2)’ – ‘the end’)

(so there were actually 2 AP tests for this class)

(that was a good choice on my part because the tests were pretty basic)

(nailed a ‘5’ on both of them)

(though i’m not sure they could’ve been easily applied in colleges)

(how do different colleges decide which AP credits can be applied towards your degree?)

(‘high school’ + ‘college’ had ‘2 semesters’ per ‘academic year’)
(i assume ‘semester’ always refers to ‘2’)

(elementary school + was divided into 4 ‘marking periods’)

(while retaining the same general ‘date + length’ of ‘academic year’ as a ‘high school academic year’)

(my parents must’ve (mistakenly i’d hope!) threw out the letter)

(i was in in love with “laetitia casta for a huge chunk of my teenage years)
(busty french model)

“happy jacks” (in unison)

(how busty?)
(just how busty was she?”)

(“9/11 season”)

‘thomas rodger – drums

Jasmine Bloch – bass
Will Rodger – guitars
JoGa – vocals/guitars


another group of musicians who didn’t want to play my songs…

at first big will dispagared my songs.  

over time, they began to grow on him.  he started to warm up to “eternal recurrence” and “homecoming” that summer…

(william rodger / rhythm guitarist.  spare the rod, william. 

as franklin zappa once said, “shut up ‘n play yer guitar”)

(i’m a shredder, man)

(though i haven’t picked up the 6-string in ages)

(i’d much rather be a poet)

“big” william rodger…

in summer 2003, we started a band called the “hired gun”…

Tom Rodger – drums
Jasmine Bloch – bass
Will Rodger – guitars
JoGa – vocals / guitars

another group of musicians who didn’t want to play my songs…

at first big will dispagared my songs.  over time, they began to grow on him.  he started to warm up to “eternal recurrence” and “homecoming” that summer…

(william rodger / rhythm guitarist.  spare the rod, william.  as franklin zappa once said, “shut up ‘n play yer guitar”)

(i’m a shredder, man)

(though i haven’t picked up the 6-string in ages)


(i’d much rather be a poet)

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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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