(*united nations framework convention on ‘climate change’*)
(signed in 1992)
“conferences of the parties”
(beginning in 1995)
(signed in 1997)
(the ‘CMP’ is the conference of the parties that had signed the ‘kyoto protocol’)
(beginning in 2005)
(signed in 2016)
*the united nations climate change conferences are yearly ‘conferences’ held in the framework of the “united nations framework convention on ‘climate change'” (aka ‘UNFCCC’)*
(they serve as the formal ‘meeting’ of the “UNFCCC Parties” (“‘conferences’ of the ‘parties'”) (‘COP’) to assess ‘progress’ in dealing with ‘climate change’, and beginning in the ‘mid-1990s’, to negotiate the “kyoto protocol” to establish legally binding ‘obligations’ for ‘developed countries’ to reduce their ‘greenhouse gas emissions’)
(from ‘2005’ (on), the ‘conferences’ have also served as the “‘conference’ of the ‘parties’ serving as the ‘meeting’ of ‘parties’ to the ‘kyoto protocol’ (aka ‘CMP’); also ‘parties’ to the ‘convention’ that are not ‘parties’ to the ‘protocol’ can participate in “‘protocol’-related” meetings as ‘observers’)
(from ‘2011’ (on), the ‘meetings’ have also been used to negotiate the ‘paris agreement’ as part of the ‘durban platform activities’ until its conclusion in ‘2015’, which created a general ‘path’ towards ‘climate action’)
“again…’whatever that ‘means”…
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥