“5 september 2017”


(forced myself to busk @ 7th avenue station)

(now ryan is on me about taking a slice of his precious cheddar cheese)
(i denied it of course)
(also somehow lost my bag with rolling papers + tobacco leaf)
(i suspect i left it in ryan’s room monday morning)
(he said i didn’t)
(he’s probably holding onto it as collateral)
(because i remember going to fetch my bowl to show him and his ‘boy’)
(what was his ‘boy’s’ name?)
(is that racist?)
(he calls me ‘whiteboy’)
(which i take as some sort of compliment)
(i think he just wanted to find out what went down between ‘kneeth’ and me)
(he couldn’t get with her after putting her up for 2 weeks)
(she wanted to get with me on the first night and i turned her down)
(who’s the superior one now?)
(i told him i just let her stay the night as long as she kept buying booze + weed)
(and a new pack of guitar strings for me)
(he seemed impressed)

(found one last pinch of grass in the room)
(which is smoked before heading out busking)

“silent stars”
“this one”
“flying to my home”

(the grass improved my vocals tremendously)
(despite the constant rumble of the trains drowning out my voice)

(earned $9)

(then i took my usual dose:)

600mg DPH – $4.79
(from ‘duane reade’)

american classic plain pound cake – 99 cents
(from ‘rite aid’)

2 newport cigarettes – $1
(from ‘express deli ranch’)

small bag of ‘trophy nuts’ peanuts – 25 cents
(from ‘express deli ranch’)

12 store brand grade A eggs – $1.89
(from ‘key foods’)

(the pound cake alone is 850 calories)
(the chocolate chip variety is probably 1000 calories)

(found unopened cans of spam + corn in front of a house on lefferts between bedford and rogers)
(took it)

(broke up the spam and put it in my 12-egg omelette)

(saved the rest to eat tomorrow)