“6 september 2015”


(‘sister dolly’ and i spent the night together)

(we started off the night @ 400 west 43rd street)

(she had grass + bowl)

we smoked it as we made our way from midtown to washington square park after the “black beans + rice” show…i was running high from the red wine…i tried kissing dolly at one point but she wouldn’t take…so we agreed to be friends…we ran into some blacks on the street and one of them slipped me a blue drink (probably had some sorta chemical added to it)…i don’t remember getting particularly buzzed…they also passed around a blunt…

(then we ran into two of her friends while i picked up a drink for her at the local ‘duane reade’)

(probably on 12th + 7th_

(luckily she stayed outside transfixed by a ‘cockroach’ on the window)