“6 september 2017”


(i slept all day)
(now i’m catching up with myself on the blog)
(day by day)

(then i want to learn all my “category” songs)
(and catch up with paul mccartney songs to the present)
(it rained all day anyway)
(and it is going to be beautiful all week)
(in the 70s
(if i had subway fare i’d hit up “strawberry fields”)
(gotta get a new metrocard for $1)

(running out of spare guitar strings)

(out of money)
(down to pennies)
(19 cents)
(just some leftover spam and canned corn)
(can’t take anymore food from the roommates)
(maybe a slice of ‘whole wheat bread’ from jean)
(the quiet roommate is the only one who hasn’t confronted me about taking his food)

(got some leftover “ground cigarettes” but no rolling paper)

(gotta make a new GOFUNDME sign)
(and kick off my campaign)
(fall 2017)
(parents’ anniversary)
(cheryl’s birthday)
(halloween show)