*battle of the ‘teutoburg forest’*

‘german’ –>

schlacht im teutoburger wald



(described as the varian disaster (clades variana) by ‘roman historians’)


(the *battle of the ‘teutoburg forest’* took place in the ‘teutoburg forest’ in ‘9 CE’, when an alliance of ‘germanic tribes’ ‘ambushed’ + ‘decisively destroyed’ 3 ‘roman legions’ and their ‘auxiliaries’, led by ‘publius quinctilius varus’)

(the ‘anti-roman alliance’ was led by ‘arminius’, a germanic officer of varus’ auxilia who had acquired ‘roman citizenship’ and had received a ‘roman military education’, thus enabling him to deceive the ‘roman commander’ methodically and anticipate the roman army’s ‘tactical responses’)

(did the ‘roman generals’ know about him being a ‘former roman citizen’ and adjust accordingly?)

(despite several successful ‘campaigns’ + ‘raids’ by the ‘romans’ in the years after the ‘battle’, they never again attempted to conquer the ‘germanic territories’ east of the ‘rhine river’)

(the victory of the ‘germanic tribes’ against rome’s legions in the ‘teutoburg forest’ would have ‘far-reaching effects’ on the subsequent history of both the ‘ancient germanic peoples’ and the ‘roman empire’)


(‘contemporary’ + ‘modern’ historians have generally regarded arminius’ victory over ‘varus’ as “rome’s greatest defeat”, one of the ‘most decisive battles recorded in military history’, and as “a ‘turning point’ in world history”)









👈👈👈 ☜ *“ARMINIUS”*











🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥