(“garden state parkway”)
(172.4 miles (/ 277.5km))
(‘limited-access toll parkway’)
(from NJ southern-most point in ‘cape may’)
(‘lower township’)
(new york state line out of ‘montvale’ / ‘NJ’)
(exit # roughly correspond with mileage)
(from ‘bottom’ to ‘top’)
(first exit at ‘3.9 miles’ is ‘exit 4’ to ‘wildwood’ via ‘cape may middle township’)
(‘final exit’ at ‘171.52 miles’ is ‘exit 172’ in borough of ‘montvale’ to ‘upper saddle river’)
(into ‘NY’ via the ‘GSP connector’ to “NY state thruway”)
(its name refers to new jersey’s nickname (the “garden state”)
(most ‘new jerseyans’ refer to it as simply “the parkway“)
(the parkway’s official (but unsigned) designation is ‘route 444’)
(at its ‘north end’, the road becomes the ‘garden state parkway connector’, a component of the ‘new york state thruway system’ that connects to the ‘thruway mainline’ in ‘ramapo’)
(the ‘parkway’ is primarily for ‘passenger vehicle use’; trucks weighing over ‘10,000 pounds’ (aka ‘4,500 kg’) are prohibited north of ‘exit 105’)
(the ‘parkway’ has been ranked as the ‘busiest toll highway in the country’ based on ‘# of toll transactions’)
(at approximately ‘172 miles’, the ‘parkway’ is the longest highway in the state)