-as of [6 FEBRUARY 2024]–
(an abbreviation for ‘video evolution’)
[“vevo” is an ‘american multi-national video hosting service’ founded on ‘8 december 2009’, as a joint venture between 3 major record companies…]
‘universal music group’
‘sony music entertainment’
(in ‘august 2016’, ‘warner music group’ (WMG) (the 3rd-largest record company) agreed to license ‘premium videos’ from its artists onto ‘vevo’)
Vevo only hosts music videos from both Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment syndicated on YouTube and its website, with Google and Vevo sharing advertising and similar benefits.
EMI also licensed its library of videos for Vevo shortly before its launch and its acquisition by UMG in 2012.
(originally, Warner Music Group was reported to be considering hosting its content on the service after it launched, but formed an alliance with rival MTV Networks (now Viacom Media Networks)
(in ‘august 2015’, ‘vevo’ expressed renewed interest in licensing music from ‘warner music group’, and its deal with ‘WMG’ was completed on ‘2 august 2016′, making the entirety of the “big 3” record companies’ music eligible for licensing for ‘vevo’)
(on ’24 may 2018′, ‘vevo’ announced that it was shutting down its ‘consumer website’ + ‘apps’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥