“10 october 2012”


(i’m out of liquor + out of money)

i need to find a place to print out ANOTHER application
(for thursday morning’s 9am interview at the ‘institute for advanced study’)

cecilia parmar called me as i walked back from the “whole earth center” interview this afternoon

check in with the receptionist in fuld hall and ask for michael klompus (human resources manager)

i will be meeting with key faculty in the school of historical studies as well as the school’s administrative officer

so i need to find a printer for the .pdf employment application (maybe one of the roommates has one)

if not, i’ll have to go to the local UPS store

i’d rather present a hard copy to the interviewer(s) since that was what i was directed to do

i don’t even have a tie to wear

after drinking all day, i finally caved in and started eating

(now i’m horny of course)

i’m starting to get pimples on my face again
(probably because i’m growing out my beard)

mark is starting to suspect i’ll “flake” on the film shoot
(i already told him i can’t afford a flight)

and larnald tattletaled to him after i published a 2009 gchat conversation between us (one of the passages was mildly insulting to larnald)

AI wants to come record this friday night
(as long as he brings booze)

and mike’s gonna visit one of these weekends

i checked back in at the verizon store with pete

i think it’s a no-go

this morning, i woke up really early and jacked off twice

i’m getting the tremors again
(like i do every time i run out of alcohol)

(so i spent the rest of my loose change on a pint of ‘miller high life’)