*11 october 2012*



‘thursday morning’


(i spent the rest of wednesday in bed watching youtube videos)

(i really need a remote control for my computer)

(i’m still in dire need of alcohol)

(as i rely on its corrosive properties to clear my throat for singing)

(“ha!  likely excuse!”)

i may be coming down with a cold as the weather grows colder…

i dragged myself out of bed sometime past 6am and took a shower.

i even shaved my beard for the occasion (after much consideration).

i’m running out of clean clothes, but i managed to cobble together a formal-looking outfit (albeit without a tie).

then i walked the 3 miles to the institute for advanced study (down clearview / left on harrison / right on nassau / left on mercer / left on olden / right on einstein).

it was rather chilly (especially as i’ve been suffering from cold sweats for the past two days).

i spent my last two dollars on a “tall” iced coffee @ starbucks (though they forgot to sweeten it).

(the first coffee shop i went to didn’t accept credit/debit cards)

i made it to the institute sometime after 8am (i had to ask an older woman walking her dog for directions to fuld hall).

this was a building with a clocktower.

i asked another lady in an office where “reception” was located and she informed me that they didn’t arrive until 9am.

she directed me to the basement level so that i could print out a copy of the application.

i ended up asking a black man (javier lopez) for an application and he promptly produced one for me.

i went back upstairs and asked the security guard where to find “reception”
(the lady i’d talked to before claimed it was on the basement level)

he fetched another lady who seemed to know i’d be arriving (cecilia parmar?  aka “the lady who sent me the e-mails”)

she said she’d inform michael klompus (human resources manager) that i’d arrived.

i waited in the luxurious common room, sipping my coffee and filling out the application (playing loose with my past in order to make myself a more attractive candidate)

the only section i didn’t fill out was ‘salary desired’ (i never wanna overshoot and sabotage my chances at the position / nor undershoot and allow them to offer me less than they originally intended)

i’ll take whatever they offer…

michael arrived in a tie and we chatted for a half-hour as he took notes.

he took my application and directed me to marian zelazny (the school’s administration officer).

i’d be reporting to her if hired.

she in turn brought me to chat with nicola di cosmo (professor of east asian studies).

he explained the requirements of the position and then marian brought me to jonathan israel (professor of dutch history / age of enlightenment / european jewry).

after our chat, i met terrie bramley and she explained more requirements of the position.  i concluded the morning with a meeting in marian’s office and was back at the house before noon…

it seems that a “staff” position is not a very distinguished role at the institute.

it is mostly a secretarial position.

i’d be working with a lot of older ladies.

marian believed myself to be overqualified for the job
(as she explained that there’d be no room for upward mobility)

(terrie seemed to share this viewpoint, though she also mentioned that as a musician/composer this could be an ideal “day job”)

she mentioned that her hours were 8am – 3:30pm and that all employees are entitled to 28 sick/vacation days a year.

salary was not mentioned but i’m hoping that’d it be enough to cover the bills (with a bit of beer money left over!)

there’s also a “tiny” gym, an ‘outstanding cafeteria’ (staff gets 20% off), and a beautiful place to run in the woods (if only winter wasn’t setting in!)

there’s also free lectures (marian gave me an advertisement for a lecture with black filmmaker kevin jerome everson next friday october 19)

she also mentioned that she wasn’t sure whether i’d be hired by then but it seems like a good overall indicator.

i may have to stay late for certain receptions and events, but the hours seem flexible overall.

overall, i’m hopeful about my prospects.

marian said they’d be contacting me soon
(as they are currently “swamped”)

if i can line up this position by next week, i believe i’ll make it through the winter alive.

(i believe i should send a follow-up email tomorrow to all 5 people i talked to today)

(AT&T sent me an e-mail notifying me that my account is at risk of immediate suspension if i dont send them $216.02 immediately)
(and there’s a $40 charge to reactivate)

(i sincerely hope that the $200 from princeton tutoring hits my account tomorrow

(preferably in the morning)



👈👈👈 ☜ *“11 OCTOBER 2011”*



*“11 OCTOBER 2013”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*back to “OCTOBER 11TH” (OUR TIMELINE)* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥