“12 october 2012”


‘friday night’

(it’s getting dangerously cold ’round these parts)

and there’s no sign of a heater in the house…

i can only imagine how it’ll feel come winter…

i’ve been sleeping much longer than usual lately…

this bank of america “keep the change” program rounds up daily debit card purchases and transfers the difference from checking account –> savings account (for example, a $2.09 daily purchase would transfer 91 cents from checking to savings).

not that it matters anyway, i don’t have any savings!

(whenever i accumulate any savings, i automatically transfer to checking just so i can survive)

at least they won’t overdraw me if i don’t have enough money in checking account!

(at this point, i have less than $1 in checking account!)

i spent the morning in bed and the afternoon drinking coffee and preparing for the arrival of AI (’round 7:45pm).

i saw george (the owner of hardware store) talking to someone in dunkin’ donuts…

i said hello but didn’t press him for a job.

i recorded some electric guitar rhythm parts for “my way”, “i’ve got you under my skin”, “my kind of town”, and “for once in my life”.

then i tackled “summer wind” (a song that i’ve really grown to love).

“you make me feel so young” (sinatra’s first hit) proved to be more of a challenge.

and i haven’t gotten to “wave” yet.

then christopher got lonely and invited me down to his room to watch the fucking yankees

(who defeated the baltimore orioles last night to advance to the ‘american league championship series’…like i give a fuck!)

AI arrived and we laid down vocals for 5 songs (finishing sometime after 10pm).

he provided me with a kodiak dip can and a 4-pack of reese’s peanut butter cups.

then we drove over to triumph brewery (a $5 cover) where he got me 3 jack ‘n cokes (he had two pints of beer).

we each ordered a triumph burger with fries and split an appetizer pizza.

some middle-aged female-fronted cover band was performing.

and the same fat old bald man and busty young girl from the ivy inn just happened to be right in front of us…

AI departed sometime after midnight and i returned to the triumph…

there were several all-female tables and i did my best to infiltrate…

my first target was a group of three plain janes (who nonetheless brushed me off after 2 minutes of small talk)…

then i headed to the back of the bar and had more luck with 4 slightly more attractive girls (hillsborough class of 2008).

i focused on a blonde (last name “killian”) who worked for macy’s in NYC.

i spent way too much time talking to her…

only to have her inform me that she “has a boyfriend” when i asked for her number as they were leaving

(i need to start asking these questions off the bat!)

i attempted the princeton sports bar but they weren’t letting anyone in

(it was slightly past 1am at the time!)

so i bummed a cigarette off some bobo and downed a plastic cup of bud light that someone left outside.

then i noted a cop car across the street and grew paranoid that i’d be busted for “drinking in public”…

so i headed (with acoustic guitar) to the frist campus center, hoping for a repeat of last saturday’s performance…

it turns out that frist is only an after-hours hotspot on saturday night

(even though frist closes @ 3am on friday night…i believe that the cafeteria closes earlier)

on a brighter note, i did make $27 busking ’round princeton last night (a career high!)

some spanish-speaking gentleman threw me a $20!

my first spot was on a sidewalk bench outside the princeton sports bar (just as they were closing)

i looked up popular cover tunes on my iphone

(my spanish-speaking fans requested a song en espanol…the best i could come up with was ‘black magic woman’ and ‘hotel california’)

i bummed another cigarette from one of the spanish dudes and walked past the princeton fountain (where wacky sketchy types were swimming in the freezing cold!) and set up shop outside “hoagie haven”.

i didn’t make any money there, but some big black dude (a chef at a local 5-star restaurant) seemed to really dig the tunes (my opening acoustic number is always a slowed-down “helter skelter”…

(it must be the manson in me)

then i departed for the long trek back to the house…

i promptly passed out to a michael savage youtube playlist (i find him quite amusing these days)

i dreamt that i was back @ 91 carrar drive and arguing with mama in the ‘family room’ (the old man seemed sympathetic)

so i set up headquarters in the dining room and grew self-conscious when i realized that mama would hear me listening to savage (a WOR stalwart who i frequently lambasted whenever i heard her listening to him).

then an extremely large deer (with white fur around the hooves) seamlessly entered the house through the dining room window (this must’ve been based on this week’s sighting of deer with tags on their hooves  ambling through the front yard…

(i hadn’t seen any other deer since i moved here).

then i was back at some sort of “parents weekend” at harvard (only it resembled the lexington inn).

brendan malone and i met jim dowell’s strapping grey-haired father as my parents went to the hotel bar.

brendan complimented his physique and jim’s father identified me as a libertarian.

i entered the public bathroom and it was extremely filthy

(streams of piss   wandering ’round the floor and dirty black men shitting in the urinals)

now i suppose i’ll buy some booze with my $27…

the chinese roommate is cooking in the kitchen once again….

even more bizarre…

while watching the yankees game in christopher’s room on TBS, the announcers spoke spanish (all other channels were in english)…

he had no valid explanation for this…

i’m starting to grow tired of his incessant “devil’s advocate” stance…

he’s not very smart to begin with (but like the old man, he believes himself to be)…

(that’s the worst kind of person to have around!)