“20 october 2012”


(i’m working on a 12-song self-titled album of what i consider to be my best work to date (several songs have already been released on previous albums…i’m merely “improving” on them))

4 “love songs” / 4 “war songs” / 4 “fantasy songs”:


a shuffle-rocker about my first girlfriend…


a swing tune about unrequited love…

“merry markham and the jumbojugs”

a swing tune about my romantic muse
(a bustier collegiate version of “jacquelina divine”)

“anorexic abby”

an acoustic waltz about an insecure plain jane…
(think a skinnier “shabby dee”)


a swing tune about the old man (sung from his perspective)


a jazzy rocker about mama (and me moving out of the family house)

“family man”

an acoustic ballad about finding a wife and having children


an acoustic ballad about looking for a job…

“along came obama”

a politically-charged rocker about the 2012 presidential election

“austin city limits”

a hard rocker about shooting a movie in texas

“six flags”

a funky rocker (a comedown after “roller coasters” and a sequel of sorts to “surprise store”)


a swing tune dedicated to the deprogramming of humanity

this is gonna be my most “normal” album to date!
(it should probably be self-titled)

nowadays, i require the following daily doses to function at an optimal level:

40oz of steel reserve malt liquor
1 pint of vodka
1 pack of camel turkish golds
1 large iced coffee (w/ sugar and espresso “turbo shot”)
2 large slices of pizza + an iced tea (before bed)
copious quantities of water

(this means i’m spending over $30 a day!)
(i can’t afford this at all…)

after recording all day, i went outside princeton sports bar on a busking mission ’round midnight.

a local black grass dealer dug my tunes and gave me his phone number.

some other black dude asked to play my guitar (what an utter lack of respect!)

some indian dude asked for drags off my cigarette.

then i approached a row of blonde chicas across the street and played them some beatles tunes.

for my efforts, i was awarded a cigarette.

(then i headed to frist campus center where i repeated the tried ‘n true crowd pleasers (“don’t look back in anger”, “santeria”, “rocky raccoon”))

people seemed to enjoy themselves.

(some geek with his girlfriend asked to borrow my guitar and started playing some lame indie-rock tune (they both sung))

the girlfriend seemed into my voice.

i should really start promoting myself more

i forgot to sell/give away any CDs last night

(i merely went through my entire pack of camels)

some other geek requested the rush tune “closer to the heart”

i looked up the chords on my iphone and indulged him

some other black student gave me what seemed to be an extremely large dinner napkin

i need to brush up on my chord progressions and sell some CDs tonight

maybe i’ll even book a show…

all in all, i earned $9.50…

i arrived back at the house around 3am feeling energized…

i found it quite difficult to fall asleep
(it’s been unseasonably warm lately)

i really should’ve busked during the 2 years i actually LIVED in manhattan

i attempted to busk several times in tompkins square park but nothing much came of it

liliana always wanted to busk outside record label headquarters

that probably would’ve landed us some sorta record deal

oh well…

(with my busking money, i treated myself to a large iced coffee and bacon / egg / cheese on a bagel @ dunkin donuts the following morning)
(with hash browns for 99 cents)

the landlord paid me a visit around noon (after i ignored his call earlier that morning)

there was to be some work done at the house

michael knocked on my door to fetch me

(i handed over the copy of my driver’s license and he complained to me that the letter from princeton tutoring was not adequate (first because he “didn’t want his name mentioned in the letter” and second because the contract stated “he has been working as a tutor at princeton tutoring from the time he moved in to your house ‘to present’”))

(the landlord alleged that “…to present” indicated that i was fired on that day)

(wanting to keep myself in good standing with him (in case i’m late with the rent next month), i told him i’d get a letter from the “institute for advanced study” once i started working there (if ever))

then he had me write a signed note saying that i moved into a clean house and when i move out, it will be just as clean.

(then i had to write that i have no insurance on my belongings because i believed my property to be insufficiently valuable to warrant insurance (he claimed that there was some sort of law requiring renters to buy an insurance policy for their belongings))

(he’s so fucking annoying!)