“sunday afternoon”
(i performed last night outside the frist campus center)
once the bars close @ 1:30am, that is where all the students flock until around 3am…
i was decidedly popular, picking up a dollar or two and playing to my biggest crowd in years (however transient they may have been)…
despite smoking a full pack of marlboros that day, my voice was in top form (probably because i’d been drinking all day)…
of course, i also broke two strings (the B and high E) at crucial moments just when girls started dancing to the tunes…
i need to brush up on my covers, i keep forgetting chord progressions that i’d known for years…
i didn’t eat at all yesterday and i’m not hungry today…
i’ve got a bit of alcohol left (i’ll probably head to the liquor store before 6pm)…
other than that, i’ll make a fresh start tomorrow…
yesterday afternoon i accidentally kicked my USB hub after i saw that the youtube channel featuring emma’s august 2012 poetry reading had deleted my disparaging comment from last weekend (sooner or later, emma’s gonna block my account on facebook)…
when i kicked the hub, all of my hard drives were disconnected from the computer…
they all connected again once i restarted the computer…
EXCEPT my most important “dopeland” hard drive containing all my most recent work…
i had to unplug/plug-in the hard drive in order for it to come up again…
and then because i restarted the computer, my seemingly immortal keyboard batteries finally died (i’d been getting sporadic “low battery” messages for months now)…
along with the occasional “another device is using your IP address”, i’d learned to ignore these warnings…
this time, i was forced to spend more money at the local rite – aid (on four AA batteries even though i only needed two for the keyboard)…
this is when i was suckered into buying a pack of marlboros (only because mike didn’t have any AA batteries himself)…
then all was right in the world…
remember, keyboard batteries go “face down” into the slot (use either a coin or guitar pick to open)
i’ve always been paranoid about depositing money into machines…
it seems i always encounter complications…
(whether it be depositing quarters at a laundromat or depositing $100 bills at an ATM machine)