-andrew jackson-



(’15 march 1767′ – ‘8 june 1845’)


-as of [5 FEBRUARY 2024]


*”andrew jackson” was an american ‘soldier’ + ‘statesman’ who served as the 7th ‘president of the united states’ from ‘1829’ to ‘1837’ and was the founder of the ‘democratic party’*


(before being elected to the ‘presidency’, ‘jackson’ served in ‘congress’ and gained fame as a general in the ‘United States Army’)

(as president, ‘Jackson’ sought to advance the rights of the “common man” against what he saw as a “corrupt aristocracy” and to preserve the ‘Union’)

(‘Jackson’ was born in 1767 somewhere near the unmarked border between ‘North’ and ‘South’ Carolina, into a recently immigrated ‘Scots-Irish’ farming family)

(during the ‘American Revolutionary War’, ‘Jackson’ acted as a courier)

(at age 13, he was captured and mistreated by the ‘British’)

(he moved to ‘Tennessee’ and practiced as a ‘lawyer’)

(in 1791, he married ‘Rachel Donelson Robards’)

(the couple later learned that Rachel’s previous husband had failed to finalize their divorce, forcing them to remarry in 1794)

(‘Jackson’ served briefly in the ‘U.S. House of Representatives’ and the ‘U.S. Senate’)

(upon returning to ‘Tennessee’, he was appointed a judge on the ‘Tennessee Supreme Court’, serving from 1798 until 1804)

(in 1801, ‘Jackson’ was appointed ‘colonel’ in the ‘tennessee militia’, and was elected its commander the following year)

(he built the ‘Hermitage’ plantation in 1804)

(in 1806, he killed a man in a duel over a matter of honor regarding his wife)

(he led ‘tennessee militia’ and ‘U.S. Army’ regulars during the ‘Creek War of 1813-1814’, winning a major victory at the ‘Battle of Horseshoe Bend’)

(‘Jackson’ won a decisive victory in the ‘War of 1812’ over the British army at the ‘Battle of New Orleans’, making him a ‘national hero’)

(because ‘Spanish Florida’ was a refuge for blacks escaping slavery, who allied with the ‘Seminole Indians’, ‘Jackson’ invaded the territory in 1816 to destroy the ‘Negro Fort’)

(he led a second invasion in 1818, as part of the ‘First Seminole War’, resulting in the ‘Adams–Onís Treaty’ of 1819 and the transfer of ‘Florida’ from ‘Spain’ to the ‘United States’)

(‘Jackson’ briefly served as Florida’s first ‘Territorial Governor’ in 1821)

(‘Jackson’ was nominated by several state legislatures to be a candidate for president in 1824)

(although he earned a ‘plurality’ in both the electoral and popular vote against three major candidates, ‘Jackson’ failed to get a majority and lost in the ‘House of Representatives’ to ‘John Quincy Adams’)

(‘Jackson’ claimed that he lost by a “corrupt bargain” between ‘Adams’ and ‘Speaker of the House’ Henry Clay, who was also a candidate, to give ‘Clay’ the office of ‘Secretary of State’ in exchange for ‘Adams’ winning the presidency)

(Jackson’s supporters founded what became the ‘Democratic Party’)

(he ran again for ‘president’ in 1828 against ‘Adams’)

(building and expanding upon his base of support in the ‘West’ and ‘South’, he won in a landslide)

(he blamed the death of his wife, ‘Rachel’, which occurred after the election, on the ‘Adams’ campaigners, who called her a “bigamist”)

(as ‘president’, ‘Jackson’ faced a threat of secession by ‘South Carolina’ over the “Tariff of Abominations”, which ‘Congress’ had enacted under ‘Adams’)

(in contrast to several of his immediate successors, he denied the right of a state to secede from the union or to nullify ‘federal law’)

(the ‘Nullification Crisis’ was defused when the tariff was amended and Jackson threatened the use of military force if ‘South Carolina’ attempted to secede)

Jackson believed strongly in “majority rule.”

He supported direct election of senators and abolition of the Electoral College, believing that these reforms would provide average citizens with greater power.

He tried unsuccessfully to abolish paper money, considering it a tool of the wealthy.

In anticipation of the 1832 election, Congress, led by Clay, attempted to reauthorize the Second Bank of the United States four years before the expiration of its charter.

Jackson regarded the Bank as a corrupt institution.

In keeping with his platform of economic decentralization, he vetoed the renewal of its charter.

By portraying himself as the defender of the common man, he defeated Clay and two other candidates.

After a lengthy struggle, Jackson and the congressional Democrats thoroughly dismantled the Bank.

His struggles with Congress were augmented by his personal rivalry with Clay, who led the opposition of the emerging Whig Party.

(in ‘1835’, ‘jackson’ became the only president to completely pay off the ‘national debt’, fulfilling a ‘longtime goal’)

In foreign affairs, Jackson’s administration concluded a “most favored nation” treaty with Great Britain, settled U.S. claims of damages by France from the Napoleonic Wars, and recognized the Republic of Texas.

His presidency marked the beginning of the ascendancy of the “spoils system” in American politics.

In 1830, Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, which relocated most members of the Native Americantribes in the South to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).

The relocation process resulted in widespread death and sickness amongst the Indians forced to walk from their ancestral lands to western reservations.

The extent to which Jackson can personally be held responsible is debated by historians, but the removal is generally regarded as a violation of human rights.

This, along with his relative support for slavery, has significantly damaged Jackson’s reputation.

Jackson supported his vice president Martin Van Buren’s successful presidential campaign in 1836 and helped his friend James K. Polk win the 1844 presidential election.

(in ‘public opinion polls’ of ‘U.S. presidents’, ‘jackson’ is usually ranked in the ‘top half’)

(but what does the ‘public’ really know about ‘dead presidents’?)

(this poll would be more reflective of ‘presidential biographers’ and ‘history teachers’)













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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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