-as of [22 MARCH 2024]–
-“android” is a ‘mobile operating system’-
*developed by ‘google’*
*based on the ‘linux kernel’*
*designed primarily for ‘touch-screen mobile devices’ such as ‘smartphones’ + ‘tablets’*
-as of [9 november 2022]-
*✨ANDROID 13✨*
(last updated ’15 august 2022′)
(2 months ago)
-android’s ‘user interface’ is mainly based on ‘direct manipulation’, using ‘touch gestures’ that loosely correspond to ‘real-world actions’, such as [‘swiping’ / ‘tapping’ / ‘pinching’] to manipulate ‘on-screen objects’, along with a ‘virtual keyboard’ for ‘text input’-
(in addition to ‘touch-screen devices’, ‘google’ has further developed…)
‘android TV’
(for ‘televisions’)
‘android auto’
(for ‘cars’)
‘android wear’
(for ‘wrist watches’)
(each with a ‘specialized user interface’)
(variants of ‘android’ are also used on…)
‘game consoles’
‘digital cameras’
(and other ‘electronics’)
(‘android’ has the largest installed base of all ‘operating systems’ (OS) of any kind)
(‘android’ has been the ‘best-selling OS’ on ‘tablets’ since ‘2013’, and on ‘smartphones’ it is dominant by any ‘metric’)
(initially developed by ‘android incorporated’ (which ‘google’ bought in ‘2005’), ‘android’ was unveiled in ‘2007’ along with the founding of the ‘open handset alliance’ – (a ‘consortium’ of ‘hardware’ / ‘software’ / ‘telecommunication’ companies devoted to advancing ‘open standards’ for ‘mobile devices’)
(as of ‘july 2013’, the ‘google play store’ has had over 1 million android applications (“apps”) published – including many ‘business-class apps’ that rival competing ‘mobile platforms’ – and over 50 billion applications downloaded)
(an ‘april 2013’ – ‘may 2013’ survey of ‘mobile application developers’ found that 71% of developers create applications for ‘android’, and a 2015 survey found that 40% of full-time professional developers see ‘android’ as their ‘priority target platform’, which is comparable to apple’s ‘iOS’ on 37% with both platforms far above others)
(in ‘september 2015’, ‘android’ had 1.4 billion monthly active devices)
(android’s ‘source code’ is released by ‘google’ under ‘open source licenses’, although most ‘android devices’ ultimately ship with a combination of ‘open source’ + ‘proprietary’ software, including ‘proprietary software’ required for accessing ‘google services’)
(‘android’ is popular with ‘technology companies’ that require a ‘ready-made’ / ‘low-cost’ / ‘customizable’ operating system for ‘high-tech devices’)
(its ‘open nature’ has encouraged a large community of ‘developers’ + ‘enthusiasts’ to use the ‘open-source code’ as a foundation for ‘community-driven projects’, which…)
*deliver updates to older devices*
*add new features for ‘advanced users’*
*bring ‘android’ to devices originally shipped with other ‘operating systems’*
*the success of ‘android’ has made it a target for ‘patent’ (+ ‘copyright’) litigation as part of the so-called “smartphone wars” between ‘technology companies’*
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥