“APJ abdul kalam”

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in 2008.jpg
*26 AUGUST 2008*
(*age 76*)




(this day is partly in honor of kalam’s dedication to ‘teaching’)


*better known as A. P. J. abdul kalam*


/ˈæbdʊl kəˈlɑːm/ 


*the faithfully departed*

(’15 october 1931’ – ’27 july 2015’)

‘age 83’


(5 minutes into delivering a lecture entitled ‘creating a liveable planet earth’)

(aren’t we already LIVING on a liveable planet?)
(that sounds like indian guru ‘word salad’ to me)


“leesen to the child…be a child…the child is the father of the man…”





(@ “indian institute of management shillong’)



(“you put yer right foot in…)

“cardiac arrest”
(cessation of ‘blood flow’ when ‘heart’ stops ‘pumping’)

his last words?

(to his aide ‘srijan pal singh’)

funny guy! are you doing well?

APJ abdul kalam


“that’s a wrap!”


(‘avul pakir jainulabdeen abdul kalam’ was the 11th president of india)

(2002 – 2007)


(a career ‘scientist’ turned ‘statesman’, ‘kalam’ was born and raised in ‘rameswaram’ (/ ‘tamil nadu’), and studied ‘physics’ + ‘aerospace engineering’)

(he spent the next 4 decades as a ‘scientist’ + ‘science administrator’, mainly at the “defense research + development organization” (aka ‘DRDO’) + “indian space research organization” (ISRO) + was intimately involved in India’s ‘civilian space programme’ + ‘military missile development’ efforts)

(he thus came to be known as the missile man of india for his work on the development of ‘ballistic missile’ + ‘launch vehicle’ technology)

(he also played a pivotal (‘organizational’ / ‘technical’ / ‘political’) role in india’s pokhran-II nuclear tests in ‘1998’, the first since the original nuclear test by ‘india’ in ‘1974’)

(‘kalam’ was elected as the “11th president of india” in ‘2002’ with the support of both the ruling ‘bharatiya janata party’ + the (then-opposition) ‘indian national congress’)

(widely referred to as the “people’s president”, he returned to his ‘civilian life’ of (‘education’ / ‘writing’ / ‘public service’) after a single term)

(he was a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the ‘bharat ratna’ (india’s highest civilian honor))

(while delivering a lecture at the “indian institute of management shillong”, ‘kalam’ collapsed + died from an apparent ‘cardiac arrest’ on ’27 july 2015′, ‘age 83’)


(thousands including ‘national-level dignitaries’ attended the ‘funeral ceremony’ held in his hometown of ‘rameshwaram’, where he was buried with ‘full state honors’)






👈👈👈☜*“INDIAN LEADERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥