
*apocrypha are works, usually written works, that are of unknown authorship, or of doubtful authenticity, or spurious, or not considered to be within a particular ‘canon’*


(the word is properly treated as a plural, but in common usage is often singular)

(in the context of the jewish and christian bibles, where most texts are of unknown authorship, apocrypha usually is used by protestants to refer to a set of texts included in the septuagint and therefore included in the catholic canon, but not in the hebrew bible)

(the word’s origin is the medieval latin adjective apocryphus, “secret, or non-canonical”, from the greek adjective ἀπόκρυφος (apokryphos), “obscure”, from the verb ἀποκρύπτειν (apokryptein), “to hide away”)








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