


*’2.2.2′ light theme*


-as of [26 MAY 2024]







-‘audacity’ is a ‘free open-source digital audio editor’ / ‘recording computer software application’


*available for [‘windows’ / ‘OS X’ / ‘linux’ / other ‘operating systems’]*


(‘audacity’ was started in ‘fall 1999’ by ‘dominic mazzoni’ and ‘roger dannenberg’ at ‘carnegie mellon university’ and was released on ’28 may 2000′ as ‘version 0.8’)

(as of ’10 october 2011′, it was the “11th most popular download” from ‘sourceforge’, with “76.5 million downloads”)

(‘audacity’ won the “sourceforge ‘2007’ + ‘2009’ ‘community choice’ award”) (for “best project for ‘multimedia'”)

(in ‘march 2015’, ‘hosting’ was moved to ‘fosshub’ and by ‘4 july 2015′ it had exceeded ’10 million downloads’ there)

(it is still under ‘active development’, and the latest release (‘version 2.1.2′), was announced on ’20 january 2016’)


(the best (?) ‘free audio editing workstation’)

(to trim .wav files)

(i only use it to trim ‘masters’ from years ago to repost in various incarnations)

(usually to cut out the ‘cringe’)

(“the sounds that make me ‘cringe’…”)

(CP: (annoyed) – “haven’t we been here before?”)

(write a drama around the “SOC dialogues’ that accompanies your “songwriting bursts’)

(the strongest immediately getting ‘high’)



Welcome to the “Getting Started” quick help guide for Audacity.

Get back here any time by clicking in the Audacity application.

Learn how to:

import and play an existing audio file

record your voice, guitar, standard turntable or tape deck

record with a USB device

(USB turntable, USB tape deck or USB audio interface)

Select audio to work on

edit sounds, including applying effects

save or open an Audacity project

export to an MP3 or other audio file

burn to a CD

See also the Audacity Tour Guide for a quick tour of selected features of Audacity.

For a detailed reference guide to all the Audacity menus and controls, click here or in the Audacity application.

If you need to download the current Manual, click here.
Questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for answers to many everyday issues.

Audacity Tour Guide
What is That? – an online website guide to Audacity’s User Interface

manual.audacityteam.org /quick_help.html
Getting Started – Audacity Manual
1-2 minutes

From Audacity Development Manual




Audacity Manual Contents

Click to visit the Audacity main website for  the latest news and Audacity downloads

Audacity 2.4.2 Manual

New features in this release

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Icon faq.gif – most common questions are answered in the FAQ

■ Visit the Forum for technical help ■ Using Help Resources ■ Search the Wiki for further tips. ■

Guide to the Audacity Project Window

1 Menu Bar   

2 Transport Toolbar   3 Tools Toolbar   4 Recording Meter Toolbar   5 Playback Meter Toolbar   6 Mixer Toolbar  
7 Edit Toolbar   8 Play-at-Speed Toolbar   9 Device Toolbar   10 Unpinned Play/Recording Head   11 Timeline   12 Scrub Ruler  
13 Track Control Panel   14 Audio Track   15 Label Track   16 Selection Toolbar   17 Time Toolbar   18 Status Bar  

Hover over and click on the image to learn more. Skip the image

ProjectWindowImagemap 240.png
Click for details

Click on the image to learn more

Help buttons

  •  Some places in Audacity have a help button, click for the relevant Manual page.

Additional Menus on Mac

Using Audacity

Quick Help

Audacity Foundations

Editing with Audacity

Help with Advanced Topics

Macros –

for batch processing and effects automation

Mixer Board – Analogous to a hardware mixer board

Accessibility – Audacity for the visually impaired

Latency when recording overdubs or using Punch and Roll

Sync-Locked Track Groups

Time Tracks – used for varying speed control

Crash Recovery

Portable Audacity

Multi-channel Recording – recording more than two separate channels of audio

Customizing Audacity


Index, Glossary and More

Links: Most links are to other pages in this Manual. Italiciszed  links are to pages external to this Manual, mostly to our main website or Wiki. We are not responsible for the content of any other external sites.

Screenshots: Most screenshots in this Manual are of Audacity running under its default settings on the Microsoft Windows 10® operating system.

Copyright: Pages in this Manual are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. In essence, you are free to (1) copy, distribute and transmit the work (2) to adapt the work, under condition you must attribute the work to the authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). For any reuse or distribution, you may not remove our copyright notice and must make clear to others the license terms of this work.



Useful Links

Powered by MediaWiki

This version created on 2020-06-19 – 

Check current version of this page (development Manual)



Audacity is a free open source digital audio editor and recording computer software application, available for Windows, OS X, Linux and other operating systems.[4][5]

Audacity was started in the fall of 1999 by Dominic Mazzoni and Roger Dannenberg at Carnegie Mellon University a

and was released on May 28, 2000 as version 0.8.[7][8]

As of 10 October 2011, it was the 11th most popular download from SourceForge, with 76.5 million downloads.[9]

Audacity won the SourceForge 2007 and 2009 Community Choice Award for Best Project for Multimedia.[10][11]

In March 2015 hosting was moved to FossHub

and by 4 July 2015 it had exceeded 10 million downloads there

(it is still under active development, and the latest release, version 2.1.2, was announced on ’20 january 2016′)




















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. digital audio workstation | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “audacity tips” | *JoGa Jungle*

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