*a bee-hive is an ‘enclosed structure’ in which some ‘honey bee species’ of the subgenus apis ‘live’ + ‘raise their young’*
(‘natural beehives’ are ‘naturally occurring structures’ occupied by ‘honeybee colonies’, such as ‘hollowed-out trees’, while ‘domesticated honeybees’ live in ‘man-made beehives’, often in an ‘apiary’)
(these ‘man-made structures’ are typically referred to as “beehives”)
(several species of apis live in ‘hives’, but only the ‘western honey bee’ (apis mellifera) and the ‘eastern honey bee’ (apis cerana) are ‘domesticated’ by ‘humans’)
(a ‘natural beehive’ is comparable to a ‘bird’s nest’ ‘built’ with a ‘purpose’ to ‘protect’ the ‘dweller’)
(the beehive’s ‘internal structure’ is a ‘densely packed’ group of ‘hexagonal cells’ made of ‘beeswax’ (called a ‘honeycomb’))
(the ‘bees’ use the ‘cells’ to ‘store food’ (‘honey’ + ‘pollen’) and to house the “brood” (‘eggs’ / ‘larvae’ / ‘pupae’))
(‘artificial beehives’ serve several purposes…)
‘*’production’ of ‘honey’‘*
*‘pollination’ of nearby ‘crops’*
*housing ‘supply bees’ for ‘apitherapy treatment’*
*safe housing’ for ‘bees’ in an attempt to ‘mitigate’ the ‘effects’ of ‘colony collapse disorder’*
‘to keep ‘bees’ as ‘pets”
(‘artificial hives’ are commonly transported so that bees can pollinate crops in other areas)
(a number of ‘patents’ have been issued for ‘beehive designs’)
👈👈👈☜*“EUROPEAN HONEY BEE”* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥