"scammers"*august 2014*

*AUGUST 2014* –>

(received a text message from “908227111@rr.com”)

“(BoFA-ImportantMessage.Call (682)227-8418)”

i was crossing route 1 and didn’t realize that this was a scam at first…

i just primed myself for (yet another) ‘adventure in troubleshooting’…

an automated female voice said that my debit card was limited due to a security issue…

asked me to enter my social security number…

at first i dialed it in (but i forgot to enter the “1” because i had already pressed “1” to get to the menu…

not sure if i dialed the rest of it…

then i realized my mistake and hung up…

and realized it was a scam…

bank of america wouldn’t send out text messages for security breaches

and “BoFA” / no spaces between words / mistaken frowny face (due to not putting a space between the “:” and “(“…

i called back the number and entered a random social security # (just i case they were able to get the social security number from the initial call)…

(i can’t have my social security # stolen a 3rd time in 30 years…)

(then they asked for the 16-digit debit card #…)

(this troubles me)

(how did the scammer know i had an account @ ‘bank of america’ account?)

(was it a mere assumption?)






👈👈👈☜*“SCAMMERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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