
*punic: qart-ḥadašt – “new city”*


(“carthage” was the phoenician city-state of ‘carthage’ and during the 7th to 3rd centuries BC, included its sphere of influence, the “carthaginian empire”)


(the empire extended over much of the coast of “north africa” as well as encompassing substantial parts of coastal “iberia” and the islands of the western “mediterranean sea”)

(‘carthage’ was founded in ‘814 BC’)

(a dependency of the phoenician state of ‘tyre’ at the time, ‘carthage’ gained independence around ‘650 BC’ and established its ‘political hegemony’ over other phoenician settlements throughout the ‘western mediterranean’, this lasting until the end of the ‘3rd century BC’)

(at the height of the city’s prominence it served as a major ‘hub of trade’, with ‘trading stations’ extending throughout the ‘region’)

(for much of its history, ‘carthage’ was on hostile terms with the ‘greeks’ in ‘sicily’ and with the ‘roman republic’, leading to a series of armed conflicts known as the ‘greek-punic wars’ (c. 600–265 BC) and the ‘punic wars’ (264–146 BC) respectively)

(the city also had to deal with potentially hostile ‘berbers’, the indigenous inhabitants of the area where ‘carthage’ was built)

(in ‘146 BC’, after the third and final ‘punic war’, roman forces ‘destroyed’, ‘redesigned’, and then ‘occupied’ ‘carthage’)

(nearly all of the other ‘phoenician city-states’ and former ‘carthaginian dependencies’ subsequently fell into ‘roman hands’)

(‘carthage’ (/ˈkɑːrθɪ/, from latin: carthāgō; phoenician: qart-ḥadašt (“new city”) was the ‘center’ (or ‘capital city’) of the ancient carthaginian civilization, on the eastern side of the ‘lake of tunis’ in what is now the ‘tunis governorate’ in ‘tunisia’)

(the city developed from a ‘phoenician colony’ into the capital of an empire dominating the ‘mediterranean’ during the ‘first millennium BC’)

(the legendary ‘queen dido’ is regarded as the founder of the city, though her ‘historicity’ has been questioned)

(according to accounts by ‘timaeus’ of ‘tauromenium’, she purchased from a local tribe the amount of land that could be covered by an ‘oxhide’)

(cutting the skin into strips, she laid out her claim and founded an empire that would become, through the “punic wars”, the only existential threat to the “roman empire” until the coming of the “vandals” several centuries later)

(the ancient city was destroyed by the ‘roman republic’ in the ‘third punic war’ in ‘146 BC’ then re-developed as ‘roman carthage’, which became the major city of the ‘roman empire’ in the province of ‘africa’)

(the ‘roman city’ was again occupied by the ‘muslim conquest’ of the ‘maghreb’, in ‘698’)

(the site remained uninhabited, the regional power shifting to the ‘medina’ of ‘tunis’ in the ‘medieval period’, until the ‘early 20th century’, when it began to develop into a ‘coastal suburb’ of ‘tunis’, incorporated as ‘carthage municipality’ in ‘1919’)

(the ‘archaeological site’ was first surveyed in ‘1830’, by danish consul ‘christian tuxen falbe’)

(excavations were performed in the second half of the ’19th century’ by ‘charles ernest beulé’ and by ‘alfred louis delattre’)

(the ‘carthage national museum’ was founded in ‘1875’ by ‘cardinal charles lavigerie’)

(excavations performed by french archaeologists in the ‘1920s’ attracted an extraordinary amount of attention because of the evidence they produced for ‘child sacrifice’, in ‘greco-roman’ and ‘biblical tradition’ associated with the canaanite god ‘baal hammon’)


(the open-air “carthage paleo-christian museum” has exhibits excavated under the auspices of ‘UNESCO’ from ‘1975’ to ‘1984’)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥