*pan troglodytes*
(‘pan’ being a reference to the greek god of [‘nature’ / ‘wilderness’])
(‘eastern chimpanzee’)
(‘west’/’central’ africa)
*4 sub-species*
(with a 5th under proposal)
as well as…
(proposed ‘sub-group’ of ‘eastern chimpanzee’)
*pan troglodytes (schweinfurthii)*
(colloquially called chimps)
*chimpanzees are 1 of the 2 species of the genus pan*
(the other being the bonobo)
(together with ‘gorillas’, they are the only exclusively african species of ‘great ape’ that are currently ‘extant‘)
(native to ‘sub-saharan africa’, both ‘chimpanzees’ + ‘bonobos’ are currently found in the ‘congo jungle’)
‘chimpanzee’ is the common name for the 2 extant species of ape in the genus pan*
*the ‘congo river’ forms the ‘boundary’ between the ‘native habitat’ of the 2 species*
“common chimpanzee”
pan troglodytes
(“west / central africa”)
pan paniscus
(forests of the ”democratic republic of -the ‘congo’-“)
*’chimpanzees’ split from ‘human evolution’ about 6 million years ago*
(…and the 2 ‘chimpanzee species’ are the closest living relatives to ‘humans’, all being ‘members’ of the ‘hominini tribe’…)
“hit a ‘home run’ for me!”
(along with ‘extinct species’ of ‘hominina sub-tribe’)
*’chimpanzees’ are the only known members of the ‘panina sub-tribe’*
*the 2 pan species split only ‘~1 million years ago’*
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥