*the contiguous united states*


-as of [14 FEBRUARY 2024]



(AS OF “4 NOVEMBER 2019”)
*monday morning*





-the contiguous united states consists of the 48 adjoining US ‘states’ plus “washington DC” (aka “federal district”) on the continent of “north america”-


(the term excludes the “non-contiguous states” of “alaska” and “hawaii” and all off-shore “united states territories and possessions”, which include…)

‘american samoa’


‘the northern mariana islands’

‘puerto rico’

‘the US virgin islands’

(the greatest distance (on a ‘great circle route’) entirely within the “48 contiguous states” is ‘2,802 miles’ (or ‘4,509 km’) between “florida” and the state of “washington”); the greatest ‘north-south line’ is ‘1,650 miles’ (or ‘2,660 km’))

(together, the ’48 contiguous states’ and “washington DC” occupy a combined area of “3,119,884.69 square miles” (or ‘8,080,464.3 square kilometers’), which is 1.58% of the total surface area of ‘earth’)

(of this area, ‘2,959,064.44 square miles’ (or ‘7,663,941.7 square kilometers’) is ‘land’, composing 83.65% of “united states land area”, similar to the area of “australia”)

(one of many parallels between ‘america’ and ‘australia’)
(former ‘british colonies’)

(officially, ‘160,820.25 square miles’ (or ‘416,522.5 square kilometers’) is water area, composing 62.66% of the nation’s total water area)

(the “contiguous united states” would be placed 5th in the list of ‘countries’ and ‘dependencies’ by area; the total area of the country, including “alaska” and “hawaii”, ranks 4th) 

(‘brazil’ is the only country that is larger in ‘total area’ than the “contiguous united states”, but smaller than the entire ‘united states’, while ‘russia’, ‘canada’, and ‘china’ are the only 3 countries larger than both)


(the ‘2010 census population’ of this area was ‘306,675,006’ (comprising 99.33% of the nation’s population)…)


(…and a density of ‘103.639 inhabitants’ per ‘square mile’ (or ‘40.015 inhabitants per ‘square kilometer’), compared to ‘87.264 inhabitants per ‘square mile’ (or 33.692 inhabitants per ‘square kilometer’) for the ‘nation’ as a whole)








👈👈👈☜*“THE STATES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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