-the coptic orthodox church-


*as of ‘16 OCTOBER 2023’*





(feast day’ –> ‘october 19th’)


(pope of the ‘coptic orthodox church’ of alexandria)
(died ’15 october 412′)


(immigration of the ‘copts’ to canada)


“egyptian christians”

(think ‘alexandria’)


(beginning in the late 1950s)


*the coptic orthodox church of alexandria is the largest ‘christian church’ in ‘egypt’ + ‘northeast africa’*


(according to ‘tradition’, the ‘church’ was established by ‘saint mark’ (an ‘apostle’ + ‘evangelist’), in the middle of the ‘1st century’ (approximately ‘AD 42’))

(the head of the ‘church’ and the ‘see’ of ‘alexandria’ is the ‘patriarch of alexandria’ on the ‘holy see’ of ‘saint mark’, who also carries the title of ‘coptic pope’)

(the ‘see of alexandria’ is ‘titular’, and today the ‘coptic pope’ presides from ‘saint mark’s coptic orthodox cathedral’ in the ‘abbassia district’ in ‘cairo’)

(the ‘coptic orthodox church’ belongs to the ‘oriental orthodox’ family of ‘churches’, which has been a ‘distinct christian body’ since the ‘schism’ following the ‘council of chalcedon’ in ‘AD 451’, when it took a different position over ‘christology’ from that of the ‘eastern orthodox church’ and the ‘roman catholic church’)

(the precise ‘christological differences’ that caused the split with the ‘coptic christians’ are still ‘disputed’, ‘highly technical’ (?), and mainly concerned with the ‘nature’ of ‘christ’)


(the foundational roots of the ‘coptic church’ are based in ‘egypt’, but it has a ‘worldwide following’)








👈👈👈☜*“ORTHODOXY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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