“curse of tippecanoe”

(“every american president elected or re-elected in a years evenly divisible by ’20’ died in office”)




(william henry harrison)
(9th president)
(elected to first term in 1840)
(died of ‘typhoid’ a month later)



(abraham lincoln)
(16th president)
(elected to second term in 1860)
(gunshot to back of head in 1865)



(james garfield)
(20th president)
(elected to first term in 1880)
(gunshot to back in 1881)



(william mckinley)
(25th president)
(elected to second term in 1900)
(gunshot to stomach in 1901)



(warren g harding)
(29th president)
(elected to first term in 1920)
(heart attack? in 1923)



(franklin d roosevelt)
(32nd president)
(elected to third term in 1940)
(died of cerebral hemorrhage in 1945)



(35th president)
(elected to first term in 1960)
(gunshot to head in 1963)


(ended with a fella named ‘reagan’…)

(40th president)
(elected to first term in 1980)
(survived assassination attempt in 1981)
(shot in the chest)
(the “curse” is broken when he survives his two terms in office)
(ending in january 1989)


(george w bush)
(43rd president)
(elected to first term in 2000)
(choked on a pretzel and fainted in january 2002)
(survived assassination attempt on 10 may 2005)
(in georgia (the country not the state))
(someone threw a live grenade that failed to detonate)
(but he continued the squashing of the ‘curse’)
(when he survived to end of second term in january 2009)
(the ghost of reagan slaps him high-five as he crosses the finish line)

(it’s a stupid superstition)
(i’ll be next)
(elected in 2020)
(and reagan was the president of my birth)
(and george W bush was the first president i didn’t like)
(i was rooting for bush I over clinton in 1992 because my family was voting for him)
(and i was 8 years old)
(but by the 1996 election i realized that the republicans were the ‘racist’ party)
(and mocked bob dole in my halloween costume that year)
(and his paralyzed left arm)
(even though my family voted for him)
(and he lost)
(and i was rooting for gore over bush in 2000)
(and kerry over bush in 2004)
(both losses)
(i was secretly rooting against obama in 2008 just because of the hipster swell of support)
(and my contrarian tendencies)
(and he won)
(by 2012 i was happy that obama was elected again)
(in 2016 i wanted hilary to win)
(just so we could ‘check off’ a woman as president)
(instead we got the ultimate macho ‘batman villain’ old man)
(which may work in my favor in 2020)
(i met him in 2006)
(when i was trying out for ‘the apprentice’ at the behest of my old man)
(in the midst of my ‘post-college haze’ in fall 2006)

(made it to ‘2nd round’)

(analyze psychological roots of ‘presidential voting patterns’)

every american president who won an election in a year ending in zero died in office…

(ended with ronald reagan)

(it’s a stupid superstition)

(“started” with william henry harrison)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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