
*aka ‘dogs’*
















(the biological family canidae  is a lineage of ‘carnivorans’ that includes…)

‘domestic dogs’





(and many other ‘extant’/’extinct’ dog-like mammals)


(a member of this family is called a canid)

(/ˈkænᵻd/, /ˈkeɪnᵻd/))

(the cat-like ‘feliforms’ + ‘dog-like caniforms’ emerged within the ‘carnivoramorpha’ 43 million years before present)

(the ‘caniforms’ included the fox-like leptocyon genus whose various species existed from ’34 million years’ before present before branching ‘11.9 million YBP’ into ‘vulpini’ (aka ‘foxes’) + ‘canini’ (aka ‘canines’))

(‘canids’ are found on all continents except ‘antarctica’, having arrived independently or accompanied ‘human beings’ over extended periods of time)

(‘canids’ vary in size from the 2-m-long (6 ft 7 in) ‘gray wolf’ to the 24-cm-long (9.4 in) ‘fennec fox’)


(the body forms of ‘canids’ are similar, typically having…)

‘long muzzles’

‘upright ears’

*teeth adapted for ‘cracking bones’ + ‘slicing flesh’*

‘long legs’

‘bushy tails’


(they are mostly ‘social animals’, living together in ‘family units’ (or ‘small groups’) and behaving cooperatively)

(typically, only the ‘dominant pair’ in a group breeds, and a ‘litter’ of young is reared annually in an ‘underground den’)

(‘canids’ communicate by ‘scent signals’ + ‘vocalizations’)

(they are very ‘intelligent’)

(compared to???)
(all other ‘living things’?)


(1 ‘canid subgroup’ (the ‘domestic dog’ (including the ‘dingo’)) long ago entered into a partnership with ‘humans’ and today remains one of the most widely-kept domestic animals)





(“scent hound”)


a lone wolf is a wolf that lives independently rather than with others as a member of a pack. The term is also used in reference to people who exhibit characteristics of introversion or a strong preference for independence.

In the animal kingdom, lone wolves are typically older wolves driven from the pack, perhaps by an alpha male, or young adults in search of new territory. Rather than openly challenge the dominance of the pack leaders, many young wolves between the ages of 1 and 4 years leave their family to search for a pack of their own. Some wolves will simply remain lone wolves; as such, these lone wolves may be stronger, more aggressive and far more dangerous than the average wolf that is a member of a pack. However, lone wolves have difficulty hunting, as wolves’ favorite prey, large ungulates, are nearly impossible for a single wolf to bring down alone. Instead, lone wolves will generally hunt smaller animals and scavenge carrion. Occasionally, a lone wolf will encounter another lone wolf of the opposite sex, and the two may start a new pack [1].

When used to describe a person, this term is applied to individuals who prefer solitude, or who work alone. In literature, the term is used to establish a character as aloof and emotionally unable or unwilling to directly interact with other characters in the story. A stereotypical lone wolf will be dark or serious in personality; he is often taciturn, and will distinguish himself through his reserved nature.

Lone Wolf of the Group

A paradoxical additional term used describe someone who spends enough time with a group to be considered a member but not enough time to be very close to the other members. Such people tend to not take part in the group activities or “get-togethers”. It is also rarely applied to someone who is shy and tends to refer to someone who simply spends most of their time alone.

When applied to military or security groups, it refers to someone who frequently acts on their own accord, insists on working alone, refuses to work with most of if not all members of the group and/or goes against the plans of missions/operations and attempts to complete said task alone.






👈👈👈☜*“CANIFORMIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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