*arabic* –> فاطمة / Fāṭimah
(born ‘615’)
(died ’28 august 632′)
(‘age 17’)
(a few months after her father)
*”fatimah bint muhammad” was the ‘youngest daughter’ (+ according to ‘shia muslims’), the only child of the islamic prophet ‘muhammad’ + ‘khadijah’ who lived to ‘adulthood’, and therefore part of muhammad’s household*
(she was a wife of ‘ali’ + mother of ‘hasan’ + ‘husayn’)
(she is the object of ‘love’ + ‘respect’ of all ‘muslims’, as she was…)
*the ‘child’ closest to her ‘father’ + supported him in his ‘difficulties’*
*the ‘supporter’ + ‘loving caretaker’ of her own husband ‘ali’ + their children)
*the only child of ‘muhammad’ to have ‘male children’ live beyond ‘childhood’, whose descendants are spread throughout the ‘islamic world’ + are known as ‘sayyids’)
(the 11th century dynasty ruling ‘egypt’ at the time of ‘the crusades’ (the ‘fatimids’) claimed descent from her)
(for ‘muslims’, ‘fatimah’ is an ‘inspiring example’ + one of the most popular girl’s names throughout the ‘muslim world’)
(‘fatimah’ is a vital character in the religion of ‘islam’ and is considered a ‘role model’ for all ‘muslim women’)
(although there is controversy between different sects of ‘islam’ regarding her ‘political role’, she is the daughter of ‘muhammad’ and is loved by all ‘muslims’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥