(90.1 / 91.1)

(“random rock”)




(“brookdale community college”)





(“hard rock”)








(“top 40”)




(“sports radio”)




(“princeton university”)




(“classic rock”)




(“hard rock”)


(‘FM broadcasting’ is a method of ‘radio broadcasting’ using ‘frequency modulation (aka ‘FM’) technology’)

(invented in ‘1933’ by american engineer ‘edwin armstrong’, it is used worldwide to provide ‘high-fidelity sound’ over ‘broadcast radio’)

(‘FM broadcasting’ is capable of ‘better sound quality’ than ‘AM broadcasting’ (the chief competing ‘radio broadcasting technology’), so it is used for most ‘music broadcasts’)

(‘FM radio stations’ use the ‘VHF frequencies’)

(the term “FM band” describes the ‘frequency band’ in a given country which is dedicated to ‘FM broadcasting’)


FM radio

(“frequency modulation”)


WMFU is way too random for its own good. random in that unattractive, self-conscious sort of way. and their gaybird/manboy dick jockeys are working to destroy what’s left of modern music. mostly through cringe-worthy autotune abuse and songs about holiday shits.

learn more about their fine young staff!

jews just aren’t very good at being random. they’re too self-conscious for absurdity (which incidentally makes them overproportionally great in every other field). except bob dylan. he’s great at being random. he just may be the final musician i fall in love with. you never know.

and groucho marx. and danny kaye. although i consider dylan, marx, and kaye to be aliens of sorts. they all came on the same spaceship. how about that as a sitcom premise? could go both ways.

(i’m starting to sound like latter-day marlon brando, aren’t i? in the sense that i make sweeping generalizations about entire peoples before softening the blow with assurances that i really love everyone. or was that mel gibson?)

if you eliminate absurdity from the entire equation (which started to happen for a while in the early 2000s), you’re left with generic nu-metal and asian geeks making mass cultural decisions. asians aren’t very good at being random either. because their parents eradicated all randomness from their lives at an early age.

the ability to be absurd tells me lots about a person’s general intelligence. some of these non-random asian geeks would be classified as asperger cases. but it’s not that they’re autistic. it’s just that they have no sense of humor whatsoever. which incidentally makes them perfect whipping boys for those who are ably to deftly wield the wacky sword. i learned from an early age how to wield the wacky sword as a weapon against an overbearing vicarious-living old man. like kafka. or brian wilson. or michael jackson. all sons of control freaks.

george li would never approve of WMFU. in sophomore year elections, he advised me against using an overgrown fairy as a running mate (he ended up flaking out of the race anyways). li always secretly hated him. he probably resented me as well. always making promises about being inducted into vague ‘secret societies’ but never delivering. how could i deliver? the poor boy was already the victim of asian parents. he was afraid to swim for cryin’ out loud! oh the pansies they breed in these suburbian wastelands. i remember bringing a marginal friend to great adventure at age 8 and he pussied out on all the rides! what kind of red-blooded 8-year-old passes up on the great american scream machine? i wondered then whether the kid had a scrotum. he claimed some traumatic puking post-coaster episode in his earlier youth. last time i saw him was on a high school ultimate frisbee field in the summer of 2005. turned out we all hadn’t grown up yet.

but it all would’ve worked out for the best if these geeks had actually worked up the nerve to play high school football. i remember i somehow convinced li to attend a summer camp session. it started out fine at first. then he started dropping pass after pass. the other players couldn’t help but ridicule him. that was it for him and the big boys. he was going to stick to JV tennis and ping-pong.

and now he’s a management consultant for mckinsey. living the asian-american dream. too bad no one’s hiring hotshot consultants no more. except if they’re hot. and that’s not ona li’s strong suits.

the boy wouldn’t even accept a facebook friend request! then he had the nerve to fire off a ‘how ya doin?’ email a week later. i believe the old boy’s still pining for some big-tittied artsy-fartsy pork chop andrea he grew up with in long hill. something about them dancing together at the eighth grade dance and him getting formally aroused. that must’ve been hilarious!

how do you think the bit commercial actor feels when he’s forced to be guinea pig for presentation of interracial relationships?

(white male actor mumbles under breath: “why am I always the one they cast in these miscegenatious relationships? they think I’m not suave enough to score a white chick? mildly attractive black chicks want to be white so badly it renders them all the more unattractive. self-consciousness is a boner-killer.”)

i never want to try stand-up comedy. i want to be known as funny without ever having to show the world that i want to be publicly acclaimed for being funny. having something to prove is never sexy.



(“hard rock”)



(belmar NJ)






(“classic rock”)


(“hard rock”)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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