“freshman year” (high school)

(‘high school day’ started @ ‘7:45AM’)

(ended @ ‘2:15PM’)

(the bus came at the bottom of carrar drive at 6am)

(way too early!)

(so the old man usually drove me to school in the morning)

(for the modern american male, high school is a period of immasculation)

older chicks are totally out of the realm of possibility.

chicks his own age flock to the varsity athletes.

so ironically enough, after a “freshman” year in which he will never be so sexually virile again, the average dud(e) finds that his only sexual outlet lies in masturbation.  and that’s no fun after a while….

a “freshman”…

a “fresher”….

age 14…

after 4 years in a class of 44.

a class in which the balance was ultimately tilted in one’s favor.

13 males to 31 females.

(although most of the chicks weren’t worth a lick, nor were most of the dudes)

so he plays football to enhance his odds of landing a “goddess”

(i was here way before sheen, mind you).

and they end up losing every single game.

Oh and Nine.

every friday night they’d prime themselves to lose.

just like they done did in pop warner.

and the poseurs and doppelgangers feign frustration.

gabriella zini said he looked like philip lamparello.

not that “he” (phil) looked like “boy E”.

that’s how bitter bitches operate, i suppose.

she’d wanted him the whole year before that while he was hung up on superficial blondies.

(‘shane taylor’ informed him of this at the short hills mall as they hung out with laura lark(y) and her plain jane friend ‘tara’)

(he was quick to add that she wanted him no longer)

(*cue “the second coming”*)







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