
Gw2k 2004 logo.svg





*”gateway incorporated” was an ‘american computer hardware company’ based in ‘south dakota’ that [developed / manufactured / supported / marketed] a wide range of [‘personal computers’ / ‘computer monitors’ / ‘servers’ / ‘computer accessories’]*


(it became a well-known brand in 1991 when it started shipping its computer hardware in ‘piebald boxes’ and for its creative advertising in computer shopper and other magazines)

(‘gateway’ was acquired by ‘acer’ in ‘october 2007’, for approximately US$710 million)

(‘gateway’ outsourced some of its operations, such as ‘customer support’)

(in 2002, ‘gateway’ expanded into the ‘consumer electronics’ world with products that included ‘plasma screen TVs’, ‘digital cameras’, ‘DLP projectors’, ‘wireless internet routers’, and ‘MP3 players’)

(while the company enjoyed some success in gaining substantial market share from traditional leaders in the space, particularly with ‘plasma TVs’ and ‘digital cameras’, the limited short-term profit potential of those product lines led then-CEO ‘wayne inouye’ to pull the company out of that segment during 2004)



(‘gateway’ still acts as a retailer selling ‘3rd-party electronic goods’ online)








👈👈👈☜*“ACER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥