-genghis khan-



(painted in 14th century ‘yuan’ era)
(or ‘1260’?)
(33 years after his death)


*the ‘faithfully departed’*

(‘1162′ – ’18 august 1227’)

(died at ‘age 65’)

(nobody quite knows how he dies…)

“killed in action while fighting the ‘western xia’* (?)

“illness” (?)

“fell off his horse” (?)



(1)*english* —>

“genghis khan”

ˈdʒɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ OR /ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/

*pronunciation link*


(2)*mongolian* —>

Чингис хаан

Çingis hán 

[t͡ʃʰiŋɡɪs xaːŋ] 


*born “temüjin”*


*”genghis khan” was the ‘great khan’ + founder of the ‘mongol empire’, which became the largest ‘contiguous empire’ in ‘history’ after his ‘death’*


(he came to power by uniting many of the ‘nomadic tribes’ of ‘northeast asia’)

(lest they head ‘east’ to become ‘native americans’ all over again)

(after founding the ’empire’ and being proclaimed “genghis khan”, he launched the ‘mongol invasions’ that conquered most of ‘eurasia’)

(campaigns initiated in his lifetime include those against the ‘qara khitai’, ‘caucasus’, and ”khwarazmian’ / ‘western xia’ / ‘jin’ dynasties)

(these campaigns were often accompanied by large-scale massacres of the civilian populations – especially in the ‘khwarazmian’ and ‘western xia’ controlled lands)

(by the end of his life, the ‘mongol empire’ occupied a substantial portion of ‘central asia’ and ‘china’)

(before ‘genghis khan’ died he assigned ‘ögedei khan’ as his successor)

(later his ‘grandsons’ split his ’empire’ into ‘khanates’)

(he died in ‘1227’ after defeating the ‘qestern xia’)

(he was buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in ‘mongolia’)

(his ‘descendants’ extended the ‘mongol empire’ across most of ‘eurasia’ by ‘conquering’ or creating ‘vassal states’ in all of modern-day ‘china’, ‘korea’, the ‘caucasus’, ‘central asia’, and substantial portions of ‘eastern europe’ + ‘southwest asia’)

(many of these invasions repeated the earlier large-scale ‘slaughters’ of ‘local populations’)

(as a result, ‘genghis khan’ and his ’empire’ have a fearsome reputation in ‘local histories’)

(beyond his ‘military accomplishments’, ‘genghis khan’ also advanced the ‘mongol empire’ in other ways)

(he decreed the adoption of the ‘uyghur script’ as the mongol empire’s writing system)

(he also practiced ‘meritocracy’ + encouraged ‘religious tolerance’ in the ‘mongol empire’, and unified the ‘nomadic tribes’ of ‘northeast asia’)

(‘present-day mongolians’ regard him as the ‘founding father’ of ‘mongolia’)

(although known for the brutality of his campaigns and considered by many to have been a ‘genocidal ruler’, ‘genghis khan’ is also credited with bringing the ‘silk road’ under 1 cohesive political environment)

(this brought ‘communication’ + ‘trade’ from ‘northeast asia’ into muslim ‘southwest asia’ + ‘christian europe’, thus expanding the horizons of all 3 ‘cultural areas’)








*“ÖGEDEI KHAN”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥