geraldo arvalo


(fan of the old ‘joga’ fb pages)

(gerardo appreciates my FB twitter feed)
(the only one who does)

(gerardo is even self-conscious about FB invites)

(came to harvard club show july 2008)
(came to connolly’s klub 45 show in june 2009)
(came to parkside lounge show in may 2010)

(muttering about purchasing an electronic drumset)

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gerardo doesn’t answer my facebook messages…

met him in fall 2006 while visiting the socratic apartment in the upper east side…a bonkers dope-smoking hard-drinking el salvadorean computer programmer…

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now he’s back in florida living with his parents…

probably crashed and burned in hoboken…

how old is this dude?

never make the mistake of hitting him up for a late-night fb chat…he’ll never shut up…and he’ll keep calling you “son”…

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  1. gerald | *JoGa Jungle*

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