


(also known as the “festival of lights”)

‘hebrew’ –> חֲנֻכָּה‎

‘tiberian’ –> ‘hănukāh’

(nowadays usually spelled חנוכה + pronounced [ˈχanuka])

(‘modern hebrew’)

(romanized as “chanukah”)




*an ‘8-day jewish holiday’ commemorating the re-dedication of the ‘holy temple’ in ‘jerusalem’ at the time of the ‘maccabean revolt’ of the ‘2nd century BCE’*


(‘hanukkah’ is observed for ‘8 nights’, starting on the ’25th day’ of ‘kislev’ according to the ‘hebrew calendar’, which may occur at any time from ‘late november’ to ‘late december’ in the ‘gregorian calendar’)

the ‘festival’ is observed by the ‘kindling of the lights of a special ‘candelabrum”, the 9-branched ‘menorah’ (or ‘hanukiah’), 1 additional light on each night of the holiday, progressing to 8 on the ‘final night’)

(an extra light called a ‘shamash’ (hebrew f0r “guard” or “servant”) is also lit each night for the purpose of lighting the others, and is given a distinct location, usually ‘above’ or ‘below’ the rest)

(the “shamash” symbolically supplies light that may be used for some ‘secular purpose’)

(from the hebrew word for “dedication” or “consecration”, ‘hanukkah’ marks the re-dedication of the ‘temple’ in ‘jerusalem’ after its ‘desecration’ by the forces of the king of syria ‘antiochus IV epiphanes’ and commemorates the “miracle of the container of oil”)

(according to the ‘talmud’, at the re-dedication following the victory of the ‘maccabees’ over the ‘seleucid empire’, there was only enough ‘consecrated olive oil’ to fuel the ‘eternal flame’ in the ‘temple’ for ‘1 day’)

(miraculously, the oil burned for ‘8 days’, which was the length of time it took to ‘press’, ‘prepare’, and ‘consecrate’ fresh ‘olive oil’)

(‘hanukkah’ is also mentioned in the ‘deuterocanonical books’ of ‘1 maccabees’ and ‘2 maccabees’)

(‘1 maccabees’ states…)

“for 8 days, they celebrated the ‘re-dedication of the altar’…then ‘judah and his brothers and the ‘entire congregation of israel’ decreed that the days of the rededication… should be observed… every year… for 8 days”

(1 Mac. 4:56–59)

(according to ‘2 maccabees’, “the jews celebrated joyfully for8 days as on the feast of booths”)

(the ‘martyrdom’ of ‘hannah’ and her ‘7 sons’ has also been linked to ‘hanukkah’)

(according to the ‘talmudic story’ and ‘2 maccabees’, a jewish woman named ‘hannah’ and her 7 sons were ‘tortured’ and ‘executed’ by ‘antiochus’ for refusing to worship an ‘idol’, which would have been a violation of ‘jewish law’)








👈👈👈☜*“KISLEV”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥