
(w / ‘honey dipper’ + ‘american biscuit’)








(‘honey’ /ˈhʌni/ is a ‘sweet food’ made by bees foraging ‘nectar’ from ‘flowers’)


(the variety produced by ‘honey bees’ (the genus apis) is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of ‘honey’ collected by most ‘beekeepers’ and consumed by ‘people’)

(‘honey’ is also produced by ‘bumblebees’, ‘stingless bees’, and other ‘hymenopteran insects’ such as ‘honey wasps’, though the ‘quantity’ is generally lower and they have slightly different properties compared with ‘honey’ from the genus apis)

(‘honey bees’ convert ‘nectar’ into ‘honey’ by a process of ‘regurgitation’ and ‘evaporation’)

(they store it as a ‘primary food source’ in ‘wax honeycombs’ inside the ‘beehive’)

(‘honey’ gets its ‘sweetness’ from the monosaccharides ‘fructose’ and ‘glucose’, and has about the same ‘relative sweetness’ as ‘granulated sugar’)

(it has ‘attractive chemical properties’ for ‘baking’ and a ‘distinctive flavor’ that leads some people to prefer it to ‘sugar’ and other ‘sweeteners’)

(most ‘micro-organisms’ do not grow in ‘honey’, so ‘sealed honey’ does not ‘spoil’, even after ‘thousands of years’)

(however, ‘honey’ sometimes contains ‘dormant endospores’ of the bacterium clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to ‘babies’, as it may result in ‘botulism’)

(people who have a ‘weakened immune system’ should not eat ‘honey’ because of the risk of ‘bacterial’ or ‘fungal’ infection)

(there is some evidence that ‘honey’ may be effective in treating ‘diseases’ and other ‘medical conditions’ such as ‘wounds’ and ‘burns’)

(however, the evidence is overall ‘not conclusive’)

(providing ’64 calories’ in a typical serving of ‘1 tablespoon’ (= ’15 milliliters’), ‘honey’ contains no significant ‘essential nutrient content’)

(‘honey’ is generally ‘safe’ but there are various potential ‘adverse effects’ or ‘interactions’ it may have in combination with ‘excessive consumption’, ‘existing disease conditions’, or ‘drugs’)

(honey use + honey production has a ‘long’ + ‘varied’ history)

(‘honey collection’ is an ‘ancient activity’)


(‘humans’ apparently began foraging for ‘honey’ at least 8,000 years ago, as evidenced by a ‘cave painting’ in ‘valencia’ (/ ‘spain’))








👈👈👈☜*“HONEY BEEHIVES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. european honey bee | *JoGa Jungle*

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