“indo-iranian languages”





*AKA* –>

“indo-iranic languages”

“aryan languages”


(the indo-iranian languages constitute the ‘largest’ + ‘easternmost’ extant branch of the ‘indo-european language family’)


(it has more than 1 billion speakers, stretching from the Caucasus (Ossetian) and the Balkans (Romani) eastward to Xinjiang (Sarikoli) and Assam (Assamese), and south to the Maldives (‘Maldivian’))

(the common ancestor of all of the languages in this family is called ‘Proto-Indo-Iranian’ — also known as ‘Common Aryan’ — which was spoken in approximately the late 3rd millennium BC)

(the three branches of modern Indo-Iranian languages are ‘Indo-Aryan’, ‘Iranian’, and ‘Nuristani’)


(additionally, sometimes a 4th independent branch, “dardic”, is posited, but recent scholarship in general places ‘dardic’ languages as ‘archaic’ members of the ‘indo-aryan’ branch)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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