





(‘indus river basin’)

(border between ‘pakistan’ + ‘india’)

(‘pakistan to the ‘northwest’)

(‘red dots’ indicate ‘fires’)
(‘agricultural burning’)
(‘october 2002’)
(‘aqua satellite’ image)
(‘moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer’)
(in addition to the ‘fires’, the ‘haze’ is likely also due to ‘urban air pollution’ from several large cities in the region)
(in the ‘upper right quadrant’, the foothills of ‘the himalayas’ are ‘deep green’)
(the peaks are ‘dusted with snow’ and ‘capped by clouds’)
(‘twin peaks!’)




Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC


(“the indus river”, also called the “sindhΕ« river” or ‘abāsΔ«n’, is a major south-flowing river in ‘south asia’)

(the total length of the river is 3,180 km (1,980 miles) which makes it one of the longest rivers in ‘asia’)

(originating in the western part of ‘tibet’ in the vicinity of ‘mount kailash’ and ‘lake manasarovar’, the river runs a course through ‘ladakh’, ‘gilgit-baltistan’, and ‘khyber pakhtunkhwa’, and then flows along the entire length of ‘punjab’ to merge into the ‘arabian sea’ near the port city of ‘karachi’ in ‘sindh’)

(it is the longest river of ‘pakistan’)

(the river has a ‘total drainage area’ exceeding 1,165,000 km (450,000 sq mi))

(its estimated annual flow stands at around 207 km3 (50 cu mi), making it the 21st largest river in the world in terms of ‘annual flow’)

(the ‘zanskar’ is its ‘left bank tributary’ in ‘ladakh’)


(in the plains, its ‘left bank tributary’ is the ‘chenab’ which itself has 4 major tributaries, namely…)

“the jhelum”

“the ravi”

“the beas”

“the sutlej”


(its principal ‘right bank tributaries’ are…)

“the shyok”

“the gilgit

“the kabul”

“the gomal”

“the kurram”


(beginning in a ‘mountain spring’ and fed with ‘glaciers’ and ‘rivers’ in the ‘himalayas’, the river supports ‘ecosystems’ of ‘temperate forests’, ‘plains’, and ‘arid countryside’)

(the ‘indus’ forms the ‘delta’ of ‘present-day pakistan’ mentioned in the ‘vedic rigveda’ as sapta sindhu and the iranian ‘zend avesta’ as hapta hindu (both terms meaning “7 rivers”))


(the river has been a ‘source of wonder’ since the ‘classical period’, with ‘king darius’ of ‘persia’ sending his greek subject ‘scylax’ (of ‘caryanda’) to explore the river as early as ‘510Β BCE’)








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πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯*we won the war* πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯