*jesse ventura*

*1 OCTOBER 2016*
*age 65*
“barnes + noble”
“apache mall”







(1999 – 2003)


“James George Janos”

(born ’15 july 1951)

better known by his stage name Jesse Ventura,

is an American

former professional wrestler, 


political commentator, 


naval veteran,

and politician 

who served as the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003)


(he was the first and only member of the “Reform Party” to win a major government position, but later joined the “Independence Party of Minnesota”)

(“Ventura” was a member of the “U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team” during the “Vietnam War”)

(after leaving the military, he embarked on a professional wrestling career from 1975 to 1986, taking the ring name “Jesse “The Body” Ventura”)

(he had a long tenure in the “World Wrestling Federation” as a ‘performer’ and ‘color commentator’, and was inducted into the ‘WWE Hall of Fame’ in 2004)

(near the end of his wrestling career, Ventura started acting, appearing in films such as Predator and The Running Man (both 1987))

(‘Ventura’ first entered politics as Mayor of ‘Brooklyn Park’, ‘Minnesota’, from 1991 to 1995)

(‘Ventura’ was the ‘Reform Party’ candidate in the ‘Minnesota’ gubernatorial election of 1998, running a low-budget campaign centered on grassroots events and unusual ads that urged citizens not to “vote for politics as usual”)

(Ventura’s campaign was unexpectedly successful, with him narrowly defeating both the ‘Democratic’ and ‘Republican’ candidates)

(the highest elected official to ever win an election on a ‘Reform Party’ ticket, Ventura left the ‘Reform Party’ a year after taking office amid internal fights for control over the party)

(as governor, ‘Ventura’ oversaw reforms of Minnesota’s property tax as well as the state’s first sales tax rebate)

(other initiatives taken under ‘Ventura’ included construction of the ‘METRO Blue Line’ light rail in the ‘Minneapolis–Saint Paul’ metropolitan area, and cuts in income taxes)

(Ventura left office in 2003, deciding not to run for re-election)

(after leaving office, Ventura became a visiting fellow at Harvard University’s “John F. Kennedy School of Government” in 2004)

(he has since also hosted a number of television shows and has written several political books)


(‘ventura’ remains ‘politically active’ and currently hosts a show on ‘Ora TV’ and on ‘RT’ called ‘off the grid’)
















👈👈👈☜*“FAMOUS JESSES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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