*jimmy carter*


(’20 JANUARY 1977′ – ’20 JANUARY 1981′)

(‘age 52’)




(i hope no relation to MLK assassin ‘james earl ray’)
“but (hey)…you never know…”


(seems a reason he prefers ‘jimmy’ over ‘james’)
(not my ‘uncle jimmy’)

(even worse than substituting ‘bill’ for ‘william’)
(a ‘b’ turns into ‘m’)


(was ‘carter’ the least racist southern politicians of his time?)

(how many southern white ‘sons’ + ‘daughters’ rail against the racist sins of their parents?)

(but no…we being ‘the north’ had to send our finest ‘rabbis’ / ‘priests’ / ‘progressive jewish college students’)


*’alive’ + ‘well’*

(as of ’21 march 2020′)


(born ‘1 october 1924’)
(born in ‘georgia’)


(‘american politician’ who served as the ’39th president of the ‘united states’ from ‘1977’ to ‘1981’)


(a ‘democrat’, he previously served as a ‘georgia state senator’ from ‘1963’ to ‘1967’ and as the ’76th governor of ‘georgia” from ‘1971’ to ‘1975’)

(much like ‘bubba’…)
(both democratic governors of ‘southern states’ who defeated republican incumbents the first time they ran for ‘president’)

(that being ‘gerald ford’ + ‘george bush 1”)


(‘carter’ has remained active in ‘public life’ during his ‘post-presidency’, and in ‘2002’ he was awarded the ‘nobel peace prize’ for his work in co-founding the ‘carter center’).

(he is currently the ‘earliest-serving living former american ‘president’)

(as of ’12 april 2019′) / (‘age 94’)


(raised in a wealthy family of ‘peanut farmers’ in the southern town of ‘plains’ in ‘georgia’, carter graduated from the ‘united states naval academy’ in ‘1946’

(excellent timing! just missed ‘WW2’ by a year)

(earned a ‘bachelor of science’ degree and joined the ‘united states navy’, where he served on ‘submarines’)

(after the death of his father in ‘1953’, ‘carter’ left his ‘naval career’ and returned home to ‘georgia’ to take on the reins of his family’s ‘peanut-growing business’)

(despite his father’s wealth, ‘carter’ inherited comparatively little due to his father’s ‘forgiveness of debts’ and the division of the ‘estate’ among the ‘children’)

(nevertheless, his ambition to ‘expand’ + ‘grow’ the carters’ ‘peanut business’ was fulfilled)

(during this period, ‘carter’ was motivated to oppose the ‘political climate’ of ‘racial segregation’ and support the growing ‘civil rights movement’)

(THAT STANCE ALONE (IN THAT TIME) should qualify him for some kind of ‘american sainthood’)

(he became an ‘activist within’ the ‘democratic party’)

(from ‘1963’ to ‘1967’, ‘carter’ served in the ‘georgia state senate’, and in ‘1970’, he was elected as ‘governor’ of ‘georgia’, defeating former governor ‘carl sanders in the ‘democratic primary’ on an ‘anti-segregation platform’ advocating ‘affirmative action’ for ‘ethnic minorities’)

“good riddance!”
(let’s ‘get going’…)

(‘carter’ remained as ‘governor’ until ‘1975’)

(despite being little-known outside of ‘georgia’ at the start of the ‘campaign’, ‘carter’ won the ‘1976 democratic presidential nomination’ and entered the ‘presidential race’ as a ‘dark horse candidate’)

(in the ‘presidential election’, carter defeated incumbent republican president ‘gerald ford’ in a close election)

“good lord!”
“mercy me…”

(on his 2nd day in office, ‘carter’ pardoned all the ‘vietnam war draft evaders’)

during carter’s term as ‘president’, 2 new ‘cabinet-level departments’ (the ‘department of energy’ and the ‘department of education’, were established)

(he established a ‘national energy policy’ that included ‘conservation’, ‘price control’, and ‘new technology’)

(in ‘foreign affairs’, ‘carter’ pursued the ‘camp david accords’, the ‘panama canal treaties’, the 2nd round of ‘strategic arms limitation talks’ (SALT II), and the return of the ‘panama canal zone to ‘panama’).

(on the ‘economic front’, he confronted persistent ‘stagflation’) –>

(‘high inflation’ / ‘high unemployment’ / ‘slow growth’)

(the end of his ‘presidential tenure’ was marked by the ‘1979’ – ‘1981’ iran hostage crisis, the ‘1979 energy crisis’, the ‘3 mile island nuclear accident’, and the ”soviet invasion’ of ‘afghanistan’)

(in response to the ‘invasion’, ‘carter’ escalated the ‘cold war’ by…)

ending ‘détente’

imposing a ‘grain embargo’ against the ‘soviets’

enunciating the ‘carter doctrine’

(leading an ‘international boycott’ of the ‘1980 summer olympics’ in ‘moscow’)

(in ‘1980’, ‘carter’ faced a ‘primary challenge’ from ‘senator ted kennedy’, but he won ‘re-nomination’ at the ‘1980 democratic national convention’)

(‘carter lost the ‘general election’ in an ‘electoral landslide’ to republican nominee ‘ronald reagan’)

(polls of ‘historians’ and ‘political scientists’ usually rank ‘carter’ as a ‘below-average president’)

(like lyndon johnson, a southern white democrat who with progressive view on ‘civil rights’ that nevertheless had tarnished reputations from both sides of the ‘political spectrum’ due to their foreign policy mishaps)

(both escalated wars)
(‘vietnam war’ / ‘cold war’)
(both really being fought agains the ‘soviet union’)

(in ‘2012’, ‘carter’ surpassed ‘herbert hoover’ as the ‘longest-retired president in american history’)

(he is the first president to mark the ’40th anniversary’ of his ‘inauguration’)

(he established the ‘carter center’ in ‘1982’ to ‘promote’ + ‘expand’ human rights)


(he has traveled extensively to…)

conduct ‘peace negotiations’

monitor elections

advance disease ‘prevention’ + ‘eradication’ in ‘developing nations’

(‘carter’ is considered a ‘key figure’ in the ‘habitat for humanity’ charity)

(he has written over ’30 books’ ranging from ‘memoirs’ + ‘politics’ to ‘poetry’ + ‘inspiration’)

(he has criticized some of israel’s ‘actions’ + ‘policies’ in regards to the ‘israeli–palestinian conflict’ and has advocated for a ‘2-state solution’)


(he vigorously opposed the ‘supreme court decision’ in Citizens United v. FEC that struck down limits on ‘campaign spending’ by ‘corporations’ + ‘unions’, saying that the ‘united states’ is “no longer a functioning democracy” and now has a system of “un-limited political bribery”)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“GERALD FORD”*














🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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