(“28 MAY 1959”)
(not yet 45 years old)
(“and a jew to boot!”)
(“copenhagen airport”)
(“doctor jones edward salk”, creator of “salk polio vaccine, at “copenhagen airport”)
(during 4 days stay in ‘kastrup airport CPH’ / ‘copenhagen’) ‘salk’ paid several visits to the “serum institute”, which was first one outside USA which created a ‘polio vaccine’)
(“doctor salk” also addressed the local “biological society”)
“salt of the earth”
(“one who truly wanted to be of service to humanity”)
(be sure to ‘knight’ him in the afterlife!)
(even if he actually just wanted to be remembered as a ‘genius’ (for creating the vaccine) and “holy” (in the humble christ-like way of not wanting to ‘profit’ on his ‘vaccine’)
(but who decided to name it the “salk vaccine”?)
(who picks out the tunes for an artist’s “greatest hits” collection?)
(they themselves?)
(that’d be a turn-off!)
(“jonas edward salk” (/sɔːlk/; ’28 october 1914′ – ’23 june 1995′) was an american ‘medical researcher’ + ‘virologist’)
(he discovered and developed one of the first successful ‘polio vaccines’)
(born in ‘new york city’, he attended ‘new york university school of medicine’, later choosing to do medical research instead of becoming a ‘practicing physician’)
(in 1939, after earning his ‘medical degree’, ‘salk’ began an internship as a ‘physician scientist’ at ‘mount sinai hospital’)
(2 years later he was granted a ‘fellowship’ at the ‘university of michigan’, where he would study ‘flu viruses’ with his mentor ‘thomas francis junior’)
(until ‘1955’, when the ‘salk vaccine’ was introduced, ‘polio’ was considered one of the most frightening ‘public health problems’ in the ‘world’)
(in the ‘postwar united states’, annual epidemics were increasingly devastating)
(the “1952 U.S. epidemic” was the worst outbreak in the nation’s history)
(of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year, 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling ‘paralysis’, with most of its victims being ‘children’)
(the “public reaction was to a plague”, said historian “william l. o’neill”)
(“citizens of ‘urban areas’ were to be terrified every ‘summer’ when this frightful visitor returned”)
(according to a 2009 PBS documentary, “apart from the atomic bomb, america’s greatest fear was ‘polio'”)
(as a result, ‘scientists’ were in a frantic race to find a way to ‘prevent’ (or ‘cure’) the disease)
(in 1938, “U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt”, the world’s most recognized victim of the disease, had founded the “National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis” (known as “March of Dimes Foundation” since 2007), an organization that would fund the development of a ‘vaccine’)
(in 1947, ‘salk’ accepted an appointment to the “University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine”)
(in 1948, he undertook a project funded by the “National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis” to determine the number of different types of ‘polio virus’)
(‘salk’ saw an opportunity to extend this project towards developing a vaccine against ‘polio’, and, together with the skilled research team he assembled, devoted himself to this work for the next 7 years)
(the field trial set up to test the ‘salk vaccine’ was, according to ‘O’Neill’, “the most elaborate program of its kind in history, involving 20,000 ‘physicians’ and ‘public health officers’, 64,000 ‘school personnel’, and 220,000 ‘volunteers’)
(over 1,800,000 ‘schoolchildren’ took part in the ‘trial’)
(when news of the vaccine’s success was made public on ’12 april 1955′, ‘salk’ was hailed as a “miracle worker” and the day almost became a ‘national holiday’)
(he was 41 years old)
(around the ‘world’, an immediate rush to ‘vaccinate’ began, with countries including ‘canada’, ‘sweden’, ‘denmark’, ‘norway’, ‘west germany’, the ‘netherlands’, ‘switzerland’, and ‘belgium’ planning to begin ‘polio immunization campaigns’ using salk’s ‘vaccine’)
(‘salk’ campaigned for ‘mandatory vaccination’, claiming that ‘public health’ should be considered a “moral commitment”)
(his sole focus had been to develop a ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ vaccine as rapidly as possible, with no interest in ‘personal profit’)
“what a saint!”
“what a guy!”
“way to go…”
“not quite right…”
bianca: “(you are such a sweetheart!”)
(when asked who owned the ‘patent’ to it, ‘salk’ said’ , “well, the people i would say…there is no ‘patent’…could you ‘patent’ the ‘sun’?”)
“again! ‘WHAT A GUY!'”
(and a ‘jew’ to boot!)
(“we hear you loud + clear…”)
(in 1960, he founded the ‘salk institute for biological studies’ in (‘la jolla’ / ‘california’), which is today a center for ‘medical’ and ‘scientific’ research)
(where the ‘goddesses reside!”)
(cue “magic marker”)
bianca: “you are such a sweetheart!”)
(he continued to conduct research and publish books, including man unfolding (1972), the survival of the wisest (1973), “‘world population’ and ‘human values’: a new reality (1981), and anatomy of reality: merging of ‘intuition’ and ‘reason’ (1983))
(salk’s last years were spent searching for a ‘vaccine’ against ‘HIV’)
(“greatest jew since ‘lenny bruce’!” (???)
(his ‘personal papers’ are stored at the “university of california” / “san diego library”)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥