*john adams 1*


*cue blumberg approaching thomas jefferson with a photo of sally hemmings*

(close-up to thomas jefferson goofily shrugging his shoulders…)

(blumberg steadfastly approaches and jefferson scatters away, finally scurrying up a tree and clinging for dear life)

(“John Adams” (October 30 [O.S. October 19] 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American patriot who served as the 2nd ‘President of the United States’ (1797–1801) and the first ‘Vice President’ (1789–97))

(he was a lawyer, diplomat, statesman, political theorist, and, as a ‘Founding Father’, a leader of the movement for American independence from ‘Great Britain’)

(he was also a dedicated diarist and correspondent, particularly with his wife and closest advisor ‘Abigail’)

(he collaborated with his cousin, revolutionary leader ‘Samuel Adams’, but he established his own prominence prior to the ‘American Revolution’)

(after the ‘Boston Massacre’, he provided a successful (though unpopular) legal defense of the accused British soldiers, in the face of severe local anti-British sentiment and driven by his devotion to the right to counsel and the “protect[ion] of innocence”)

(Adams was a delegate from Massachusetts to the ‘Continental Congress’, where he played a leading role in persuading Congress to declare independence)

(he assisted ‘Thomas Jefferson’ in drafting the ‘Declaration of Independence’ in 1776, and was its foremost advocate in the ‘Congress’)

(as a diplomat in Europe, he helped negotiate the eventual peace treaty with ‘Great Britain’, and acquired vital governmental loans from Amsterdam bankers)

(Adams was the primary author of the ‘Massachusetts Constitution’ in 1780 which influenced American political theory, as did his earlier Thoughts on Government (1776))

(Adams’s credentials as a revolutionary secured for him two terms as President George Washington’s vice president (1789 to 1797) and also his own election in 1796 as the 2nd president)

(in his single term as president, he encountered fierce criticism from the ‘Jeffersonian Republicans’, as well as the dominant faction in his own ‘Federalist Party’, led by his rival ‘Alexander Hamilton’)

(Adams signed the controversial ‘Alien and Sedition Acts’, and built up the army and navy in the face of an undeclared naval “Quasi-War” with France)

(the major accomplishment of his presidency was a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the face of Hamilton’s opposition)

(due to his strong posture on defense, Adams is “often called the father of the American Navy”)

(he was the first U.S. president to reside in the executive mansion, now known as the ‘White House’)

(in 1800, Adams lost re-election to ‘Thomas Jefferson’ and retired to ‘Massachusetts’)

(he eventually resumed his friendship with ‘Jefferson’ upon the latter’s own retirement by initiating a correspondence which lasted 14 years)

(he and his wife established a family of politicians, diplomats, and historians now referred to as the Adams political family)

(Adams was the father of ‘John Quincy Adams’, the 6th President of the United States)

(he died on the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the ‘Declaration of Independence’, and the same day as ‘Jefferson’)


(modern historians in the aggregate have favorably ranked his administration)











👈👈👈☜*“DEAD PRESIDENTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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