*leif erikson*

Viking at MN Capitol.jpg


*english spelling* –>

‘leif ericson’

*same pronunciation in ‘english’* (???)

*the norsemen preferring ‘k’ over ‘c’*

(and i’d tend to agree…)

(but i too must confess…)

(sometimes i use ‘c’ when i really meant ‘s’)


*old norse* –> leifr eiríksson

(‘i’ after ‘e’)

(why not double the ‘e’ instead?)

(just a suggestion…)

*icelandic* –> leifur eiríksson

*norwegian* –> leiv eiriksson

(~ 970 – ~ 1020)
(died @ ‘age 50’)


-“leif erikson” was a ‘norse explorer’ from ‘iceland’-


(he was the first known european to have discovered ‘continental north america’ (excluding ‘greenland’), before ‘christopher columbus’ (or possibly ‘saint brendan’))

(according to the ‘sagas of icelanders’, he established a ‘norse settlement’ at ‘vinland’, tentatively identified with the norse ‘l’anse aux meadows’ on the northern tip of ‘newfoundland’ in modern-day ‘canada’)

(later archaeological evidence suggests that ‘vinland’ may have been the areas around the ‘gulf of saint lawrence’ + that the ‘l’anse aux meadows’ site was a ‘ship repair station’)


(‘leif’ was born to ‘norwegian parents’)

(his father was ‘erik the red’…)

(‘erik the red’ was the founder of the first norse settlement in ‘greenland’)


(his mother was ‘thjodhild’ (/ Þjóðhildur))


(his ‘place of birth’ is not certainly known, but he is assumed to have been born in ‘iceland’, which had recently been colonized by ‘norsemen’ (mainly from ‘norway’))

(he grew up in the family estate brattahlíð in the ‘eastern settlement’ in ‘greenland’)


(‘leif’ had 2 known sons…)

(born to noblewoman ‘thorgunna’ in ‘the hebrides’)


(who succeeded him as ‘chieftain’ of the ‘greenland’ settlement)






👈👈👈☜*“ICELAND”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥