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-as of [3 APRIL 2024]




*MAC.OS 101*












*holding down ‘option key’ for more ‘drop-down menu options’*


*originally named Mac OS X*

*’re–branded’ to OS X in ‘2012’*

*’re-branded as ‘macOS’ in ‘2016’*


*’macOS’ is the current series of ‘unix-based graphical operating systems’ developed + marketed by ‘apple incorporated’*


(designed to run on apple’s ‘macintosh computers’, having been pre-installed on all ‘macs’ since ‘2002’)

(within the market of ‘desktop’, ‘laptop’, and ‘home’ computers (and by ‘web usage’) it is the 2nd most widely used ‘desktop OS’ (after ‘microsoft windows’))

(launched in 2001 as mac OS X, the series is the latest in the family of macintosh operating systems)

(‘mac OS X’ succeeded the “classic” mac OS, which was introduced in ‘1984’, and the final release of which was mac OS 9 in ‘1999’)

(an initial, early version of the system, ‘mac OS X Server 1.0’, was released in ‘1999’)

(the first desktop version (‘mac OS X 10.0’) followed in ‘march 2001’)

(in ‘2012’, ‘apple’ rebranded ‘mac OS X’ to ‘OS X’)

(releases were ‘code named’ after ‘big cats’ from the original release up until ‘OS X 10.8 mountain lion’)

(beginning in ‘2013’ with ‘OS X 10.9 mavericks’, ‘apple’ names ‘macOS’ after landmarks in ‘california’)

(in 2016, ‘apple’ rebranded ‘OS X’ to “macOS”, adopting the nomenclature that it uses for their other operating systems, ‘iOS’, ‘watchOS’, and ‘tvOS’)

(the latest version of ‘macOS’ is ‘macOS 10.12 Sierra’, which was publicly released on ’20 september 2016′)

(‘macOS’ is based on technologies developed at ‘NeXT’ between ‘1985’ until ‘1997’, when ‘apple’ acquired the company)

(the X in ‘Mac OS X’ and ‘OS X’ is pronounced “ten,” as it is the ‘roman numeral’ for the number ’10’)

(the X was a prominent part of the operating system’s ‘brand identity’, and was used to showcase its ‘unix compatibility’)

(‘UNIX 03 certification’ was achieved for the ‘intel version’ of ‘Mac OS X 10.5 leopard’ and all releases from ‘mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard’ up to the current version also have ‘UNIX 03 certification’)

(‘macOS’ shares its unix-based core (named ‘darwin’), and many of its frameworks with ‘iOS’, ‘tvOS’, and ‘watchOS’)

(a heavily modified version of ‘mac OS X 10.4 tiger’ was used for the first-generation ‘apple TV’)

(‘apple’ also used to have a separate line of releases of ‘macOS’ designed for ‘servers’)

(beginning with ‘mac OS X 10.7 lion’, the ‘server functions’ were made available as a ‘separate package’ on the ‘mac app store’)

(releases of ‘mac OS X’ from ‘1999’ to ‘2005’ can run only on the ‘powerPC-based macs’ from the ‘time period’)

(after ‘apple’ announced that they were switching to ‘intel CPUs’ from ‘2006’ onwards, a separate version ‘mac OS X 10.4 tiger’ was made + distributed exclusively with early ‘intel-based macs’)

(it included an ’emulator’ known as ‘rosetta’, which allowed users to run most ‘powerPC applications’ on ‘intel-based macs’)

(‘mac OS X 10.5 leopard’ was released as a ‘universal binary’, meaning the ‘installer disc’ supported both ‘Intel’ and ‘powerPC’ processors)

(in ‘2009’, ‘apple’ released ‘mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard’, which ran exclusively on ‘Intel-based macs’)

(in ‘2011’, ‘apple’ released ‘mac OS X 10.7 lion, which no longer supported 32-bit Intel processors and also did not include ‘rosetta’)


(all versions of the system released since then run exclusively on ’64-bit Intel CPUs’ + do not support ‘PowerPC’ applications)






(i don’t remember signing up for this ‘beta program’)

(i’m not a ‘developer’)

(and ‘beta’ changes could damage my computer)

(which is not thoroughly backed up)


(navigate to ‘software updates’ icon in ‘system preferences’)

(and ‘restore defaults’ to stop receiving beta updates’ to macOS)

(you will still be enrolled in the program and can enable beta updates at a later date)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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