“mars orbiter mission”

Mars Orbiter Mission Spacecraft.jpg



(also called mangalyaan)



(from ‘sanskrit’…)

मंगल mangala, “mars”


यान yāna, “craft, vehicle”


*the mars orbiter mission (MOM), is a ‘space probe’ orbiting ‘mars’ since ’24 september 2014’*


(it was launched on ‘5 november 2013’ by the ‘indian space tesearch organization’ (ISRO))


(it is india’s first ‘inter-planetary mission’ + ‘ISRO’ has also become the 4th space agency to reach ‘mars’…)



‘soviet space program’


‘european space agency’


(it is the 1st asian nation to reach ‘mars orbit’)


(it is also the 1st nation in the world to do so in its first attempt)


(the ‘mars orbiter mission’ probe lifted-off from the ‘1st launchpad’ @ ‘satish dhawan space centrer’ (‘sriharikota range SHAR’) ‘andhra pradesh’, using a ‘polar satellite launch vehicle’ (‘PSLV’) rocket C25 @ 09:08 UTC on ‘5 november 2013’)

(the ‘launch window’ was approximately ’20 days long’ + started on ’28 ctober 2013′)

(the ‘MOM probe spent’ about a month in ‘earth orbit’, where it made a series of 7 ‘apogee-raising orbital manewverz (yes MA NEW VERSZ) before ‘trans-mars injection’ on ’30 november 2013′ (UTC))

(after a ‘298-day transit’ to ‘mars’, it was successfully inserted into ‘mars orbit’ on ’24 september 2014′)


[the mission is a ‘technology demonstrator’ project to develop the technologies for the…]





(…of an ‘inter-planetary mission’)


(it carries 5 instruments that will (hopefully) help advance ‘knowledge’ about ‘mars’ to achieve its ‘secondary scientific objective’)


(the ‘space-craft’ is currently being monitored from the “spacecraft control center” @ “ISRO telemetry / ‘tracking’ / ‘command’ network” (‘ISTRAC’) in ‘bangalore’ with support from ‘indian deep space network’ (IDSN) antennae @ ‘byalalu’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥